FIFA Officials Arrested on Corruption Charges; Face Extradition to U.S.


All Star
Jul 7, 2012

More like sand CACs, b*stard children of CACs with a desert tan...

Last I checked qataris still look like this...


i guess bin hammam is the sand nikka, as the Qataris call him "slave" cuz of his hue. The royal sand cacs threw his ass under the bus and colluded with Blatter to keep him presidency in exchange for the WC in Qatar, as this nikka was posing a threat to Blatter when he ran for presidency last time.


Solomon Caine

All Star
Jan 29, 2013
Well, for starters, their main language is the language that your primitive religion chose as the language of the one and true religion:lolbron:

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action". - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Go pray to your blue eyed blonde Jesus. :childplease:

Or follow some atheist theory some c@c came up with. :heh:

Either way :ufdup:


All Star
Jul 7, 2012
"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black, nor a black has any superiority over a white- except by piety and good action". - Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Go pray to your blue eyed blonde Jesus. :childplease:

Or follow some atheist theory some c@c came up with. :heh:

Either way :ufdup:

The irony of you talking about CAC belief when your religion is a bootleg version of other mainstream CAC religions.


May 4, 2012
When Blatter wins today they'll say the whole of Africa and Latin America was bought and paid for. They cant stand African unity unless US or Britain the puppetmaster.


And all the focus was on the carribean and latin brehs. All the European cacs, including the the godfather SEP fukkKING BLATTER go unscathed.

Racist bullshyt. fukk this investigation

Well the US has always saved its muscle for the little guys. The big guns come out when its Vietman, Afghanistan, Iraq...
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May 4, 2012
These CACs furious yall.

Mad FIFA got black men in executive positions.
The most revolting truth of all: Prince William – naively keen to do his bit for his country – gave a private audience to Jack Warner. The future monarch was thus plunged into the grotesque circus of sycophancy designed to bolster the swollen egos of Blatter’s former right-hand mobster. How thrilled must Warner have been to look a representative of his former colonial masters in the eye and lie to him about supporting the English bid. He would have enjoyed that almost as much as he loves counting his ill-gotten lucre.



Aug 5, 2012
As @Napoleon rightly mentioned earlier, this is really geopolitical warfare.

“Once, there was a French president whom we shall call Nicolas. He didn’t have much money. In fact, he was desperate for some but, thankfully, his good friend the emir had plenty of it. The emir told him that he’d buy all sorts of things from France, expensive things like planes and nuclear power stations and Nicolas was very happy. But then the emir said, ‘There’s one condition, though, just a little thing.’

“‘What could it be?’ Nicolas asked.

“‘Just tell Michel to give us the World Cup,’ the emir replied.

“Nicolas didn’t have much of a choice. He needed the money. So he asked Michel to do what he was told, and Michel said he’d do it.”

Ultimately, the developing nations are being punished for their blatant bribery while the bigger boys effortlessly conduct their business.


Aug 5, 2012

:wow: Jack Warner the G

A black school teacher rising to the levels he has in Trinidad and the world is nothing short of extraordinary.

Jennings was popping his chest out saying his information has been critical to all of this. :camby:


right around the ACC
Jun 9, 2013
Fifa vote: Why Africa backs Sepp Blatter
By Matthew KenyonBBC Africa Sport
  • 6 minutes ago
  • From the sectionAfrica

Sepp Blatter has previously been able to count on African delegates' votes
The woman who took on Fifa
If you read most of the world's media, Sepp Blatter's ability to hang on to power at Fifa is nothing short of miraculous.

After years of negative headlines, the frenzy has reached fever pitch in the wake of the US allegations of corruption at the highest level in football - even though Mr Blatter himself has not been implicated.

And running through all this coverage is a theme - bemusement that much of the football world keeps voting for him.

Nowhere is Sepp Blatter's support stronger than across Asia and Africa. So why, as they troop into the Fifa congress hall in Zurich, are most of the representatives from those two continents preparing to vote for him again?

Here's about as succinct an answer as you're going to get - from Amaju Pinnick, newly elected president of the Nigerian Football Federation, talking to the BBC on Thursday: "Blatter feels Africa, he sees Africa and he has imparted so much - a lot of developmental programmes.

"Without Blatter we wouldn't enjoy all the benefits we enjoy today from Fifa. What Blatter pushes is equity, fairness and equality among the nations. We don't want to experiment."


Sepp Blatter (here with the Zambian team) "feels Africa", said one delegate
Development? Benefits? Equity? We're talking about two things really - the first is concrete investment, often literally so. The second is respect.

If you go to Fifa's website, search for the "development globe". You'll get a jazzy tool which lets you spin the world around, with clickable symbols corresponding to every little project Fifa has carried out in recent years - all of them under Sepp Blatter.

I clicked at random on Chad - not one of Africa's footballing powerhouses.

Since 2011, according to Fifa, Chad has benefited from 26 projects undertaken by the world governing body. We're talking about artificial pitches, a technical centre, a new HQ for the federation - but also education seminars on marketing, refereeing, grassroots football and so on. The list is long.

That pattern is repeated across Africa and around the world.


Sepp Blatter - here with Cameroon's sports minister - has overseen massive investment in facilities in Africa
And it has been Mr Blatter who has pushed the programme. He, both as Secretary General and then as Fifa president, helped encourage the boom in football - and raked in billions of dollars from media and marketing as a result.

And it has been Mr Blatter who has made sure significant amounts of that cash has been spent in pretty much every football nation that can spend it. That earns him a huge amount of support.


This facility in the Sudanese capital Khartoum was inaugurated in 2007
Respect is harder to quantify, but is just as valuable when it comes to earning votes. Sepp Blatter has been in charge as the game has become truly global.

Fifa's historical Eurocentrism (stronger words than that have been used) has been swept away - and Mr Blatter has been the driving force.


Blatter's worldwide support network
A look at world media coverage shows it is not just Africa where support for Mr Blatter remains rock solid.

India's Hindustan Times said Mr Blatter still had the country's support because "Blatter's art of giving is likely to matter more than the allegations of corruption". El Salvador's delegate said that as Mr Blatter remains committed to projects in the central American nation "then we have committed to vote for him".

Russia - due to host the World Cup in 2018 - remains a staunch supporter of Mr Blatter too. Moskovskiy Komsomolets is one of several papers which describe the US charges against Fifa officials as politically motivated.

But few manage language as strongly supportive as Guinea-Bissau FA president Manuel Nascimento Lopes, who said voting for anyone but Mr Blatter would be "blasphemy".

Who still supports Sepp Blatter?


The World Cup has gone to Asia (Japan/Korea 2002) and Africa (South Africa 2010) for the first time.

The number of countries that can qualify for the finals has expanded at the same time - giving nations like Angola and Togo the chance to sup at the top table.


Sepp Blatter (at right, with South African President Jacob Zuma) brought the World Cup to Africa for the first time
Countries which had felt excluded now feel the opposite - and that too earns loyalty.

None of which is to say it is a simple picture. The AFC (Asian Football Confederation) and CAF (Confederation of Africa Football) are backing Blatter collectively, but it is individual associations which have the votes. And not all of them will fall in line.

And there is a feeling amongst many that, whatever the benefits he has brought, Sepp Blatter's time may have come.

Here's a voice from Zambia, former administrator Simataa Simataa:

"A lot of things have been done using Fifa money - the perception is that its Sepp Blatter's money. But this should be done anyway, whether Mr Blatter is there or not.

"It is about more than just projects, it is about constitutions, about rules, about ethics - and all those I've mentioned have declined under the leadership of Sepp Blatter."

That may be a view which has gathered traction in the past two days, as the crisis sparked by the arrests of senior officials has engulfed the game.

But, for time being, the majority of voters within Fifa - and remember how small the electorate is - are likely to echo Mr Pinnick. "We don't want to experiment."


This facility in the Sudanese capital Khartoum was inaugurated in 2007