
May 2, 2012
Passport Abuse

Having a Melanoid parent from that era in Cuba, I know he feels different but as a naturalized Melanoid Yank, I feel like he did some good, anti-Cac things. :salute:

Que Descanse en Paz hermano.

@mani497: QDEP el profeta y revolucionario del siglo XX compañero Fidel Castro,hasta la Victoria Siempre.
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Dec 11, 2015
AGAIN, I wanna see a rebuttal to all of this pro-Castro talk. Those who are pro Castro seem to be making great points...


Castro started off as a revolutionary only to turn around and do the same authoritative bullsh*t Bautista did that ran Cuba into the ground.

Dude could have given the power back to the people and instilled a democracy. Instead he chose to rule with an iron fist killing/jailing any dissent.

Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- A group of prominent African-Americans has challenged Cuba's race record, accusing the island nation of harassing its black citizens and cracking down on civil rights activists.

Sixty intellectuals and artists, including Princeton University professor Cornel West, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and actress Ruby Dee, have signed a declaration of protest.

"We cannot sit idly by and allow for decent, peaceful and dedicated civil rights activists in Cuba, and the black population as a whole, to be treated with callous disregard," the declaration says.

The declaration also calls for the release of Darsi Ferrer, a jailed mixed-race dissident who organized human rights marches.

Cuba has struck back with a letter written by its intellectuals and distributed by the government.

"To say that there is a 'callous disregard' among us for black Cubans, that civil liberties are repressed for reasons of race and to demand an end to 'the unnecessary and brutal harassment of black Cubans who defend human rights' would seem to be a delusional farce," they respond.

Cubans are proud of their racial mix, but racism is often an uncomfortable topic.

When a group of men in Havana's Central Park were recently asked about it, most of them turned away.

"No, no, we just talk about baseball," one man said of the national sport.

Others said Cuba is no different from any other country.

"There's racism everywhere in the world," another man said.

Slavery and discrimination are part of Cuba's history, as in much of the Americas.

Until 1959, Cuba had beaches, clubs and barbershops reserved for whites. One of the first things Fidel Castro did after his socialist revolution triumphed was declare racial discrimination illegal.

The revolution did deal an institutional blow to racism, but also incorrectly declared a centuries-old problem solved with just a decree or a law, said Cuban dissident Dimas Castellano.

Police still stop blacks more frequently than whites, for example, he said.

Cubans come in many shades of black, brown and white, as described by words such as mulatto, negro, mestizo, blanco, trigeno and jabao. According to the latest census, 35 percent of Cubans are of African descent. But the most visible are concentrated in sports and music, critics say, while few Afro-Cubans are in top government posts or on state television.

Cuban intellectuals defend their country in their letter, saying it has a long history of helping Africans and Afro-Cubans.

Cuba sent 350,000 troops to Angola, Ethiopia and other countries in Africa, to support their fights for independence, the intellectuals said. It also has provided free education to students from across Africa, they added.

"If today's Cuba felt this contempt for blacks, more than 35,000 young Africans wouldn't have been educated in our schools during the last 40 years," they wrote.

Education and family -- not dueling documents -- are key to combating racism, even most of those at Havana's Central Park agreed.

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter



Vallejo Black Empowerment Think Tank, partners with Pastors for Peace and Cuba's Latin American School of Medicine, to offer Vallejo students an opportunity of a lifetime; A free, full ride, six year medical school education including room and board

Isaiah Blackmon along with students and mentoring doctor, during Charles Drew Medical University Future Black Doctors, Ceremony in Los Angeles California.

*VBETT / Vallejo Black Empowerment Think Tank, is partnering with IFCO / Pastors for Peace of New York City and Cuba’s Latin American School of Medicine, to offer Vallejo, California students an opportunity of a lifetime: A free, full ride, six year medical school education including room and board.

Cuba has opened its doors and rolled out the welcome mat to Black and Latino Americans in an effort to increase cultural diversity within medical arenas by creating more doctors, to serve
. With the only condition upon graduation being to return to the United States and aid underprivileged areas within the city of Vallejo and the Bay Area.

“A medical education in the U.S. can cost more than $200,000, Cuba is interested in providing medical training to qualified students who are committed to working in medically underserved communities, but would not be able to do so if they graduated with hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt.” – President Fidel Castro, during the 2000, Millennium Summit, in New York.

The pioneering program saw its first United States, students enter the Latin American School of Medicine in 2001 and now students continue to be admitted every August.

Recent Latin American School of Medicine MD Degree Graduates. By spring of 2010, 122 United States students have already graduated.

By the spring of 2010, 122 US students from 29 states plus Puerto Rico and Washington DC are enrolled, and 33 American Students have already graduated with MD degrees.

This unique concept is an collaboration between Cuban President Fidel Castro, the United States Congressional Black Caucus, who exposed the limited amount of doctors of color available in the inner cities and economically depressed areas in America and the IFCO who’s excellent working relationship and 40 year history of creative community organizing for social, racial, and economic justice in communities across the country – was in a unique position to assume responsibility for administrating the scholarship program in America.

“Thanks VBETT, for your interest it looks like your doing good work and it would be great to work with you.” – Dr. Melissa Barber, Program Coordinator, Latin American School of Medicine Scholarship

Vallejo Black Empowerment Think Tank, a nonprofit community based organization of media, entrepreneurs, stake holders, and faith based ministries. Who’s mission is developing exceptional future citizens, by uplifting, guiding and exposing culturally diverse youth to future possibilities and opportunities through mentoring, internships, apprentice and scholarship programs.

“The Latin American School of Medicine offers a life changing opportunity possibly, for some of our kids here in Vallejo. VBETT, will facilitate locally to assist in getting the word out, identifying potential students as early as middle school to start the mentoring grooming process, and assisting with any questions that Vallejo parents, educators or students may have. What a once in a lifetime moment, I know we have many future doctors here!” proclaims, Diane Blackmon Bailey, VBETT Founder.

Via: From Cuba with Love: Free Medical School Scholarships for Black and Latino Students | EURweb


Cuban Pete

Aka 305DeadCounty
May 2, 2012
Hold up...lets remember the man who Castro got rid of...Batista...ever wonder why you never hear his name???

Kennedy himself called him the "most corrupt dictator"...and this was AFTER the bay of pigs

Not only was Batista himself a criminal..he turned over his country to the Mob...the Mafia ran Havana in the 50s .it was a narco state organised crime playground.

The regular people lived in terror

Then add the fact that the CIA tried overthrowing and assasinating him many times...theres no way he could ever trust the US


You have to stop believing everything the establishment media says bruh

Bruh i lived this, you getting facts off wikipedia. I think I know better than you about my own people. I know all about Batista, we traded in a right wing murderous c00n and American stooge for a homocidal communist hardliner who was a lowkey genius that fought harder than any white man ever against racism. Didn't stop him from locking up my BLACK family for shyt like listening to Michael Jackson, or wearing American brands when American culture was illegal there in the 70s and 80s. Like i said he was a deeply flawed man who did great good along with great evil. So miss me with your assumptions about what I know of MY home countries political system. Thanks for the troll job tho


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Castro started off as a revolutionary only to turn around and do the same authoritative bullsh*t Bautista did that ran Cuba into the ground.
:sitdown: Stop..theres no realistic way to have a fully free and functioning democracy 90 miles away from the CIA...Haiti is proof of that....they would smuggle in as many saboteurs and agents as they needed to get their guy to win ...

Im not saying i agree with his repression but honestly its hard to draw the line on how much freedom can exist without the risk of external meddling..would you hold elections if it was guaranteed that your enemies and assassins would win?

Dude could have given the power back to the people and instilled a democracy. Instead he chose to rule with an iron fist killing/jailing any dissent.

:dahell: Fidel passed his civil rights act in 1959..almost a decade before the US and without being pressured by mass civil there still racism?...probably it as bad as the US? i doubt it
Racism is a social problem as well..


Doctors without Labcoats
May 1, 2012
Payments accepted Obamacare,paypal and livestock
Bruh i lived this, you getting facts off wikipedia. I think I know better than you about my own people. I know all about Batista, we traded in a right wing murderous c00n and American stooge for a homocidal communist hardliner who was a lowkey genius that fought harder than any white man ever against racism. Didn't stop him from locking up my BLACK family for shyt like listening to Michael Jackson, or wearing American brands when American culture was illegal there in the 70s and 80s. Like i said he was a deeply flawed man who did great good along with great evil. So miss me with your assumptions about what I know of MY home countries political system. Thanks for the troll job tho
:rudy: Troll job? Okay...

PS....I didnt say he was an angel either..i just said Batista was far condolences for your fams imprisonment tho..the man was certainly paranoid of Americas influence


Hall Of Fame
Nov 13, 2016
Wall Street - Black Renaissance Purveyor
Castro started off as a revolutionary only to turn around and do the same authoritative bullsh*t Bautista did that ran Cuba into the ground.

Dude could have given the power back to the people and instilled a democracy. Instead he chose to rule with an iron fist killing/jailing any dissent.

Cac spotted.

What is democracy? The same BS that got Trump in power, no? When have minorities ever had a voice in a democracy which about majority rule?

You cacs are the dumbest people out there. You're just lucky you are savages and decided to use gun powder to kill, maim, and destroy before the rest, hence you dominate everyone today.


Hall Of Fame
Nov 13, 2016
Wall Street - Black Renaissance Purveyor
I fear for Afro Cubans and Assata Shakur because if they end up killing Raul - it is over for them. White Cubans will send them back to slavery and caste system of the past pre-Castro/Che.

Viva Fidel Castro and Che Guevara! Icons!

Too bad Che Guevara went to Zaire despite the warning from Castro and Gamel Nasser. That sojourn led to his untimely death. He was never the same after that adventure. Che should've lived long as well.