"We are the Fury"
Lack of resources and too much Tumblr/Instagam/Snapchat
You don't need resources to do well on SAT. It's just about studying and knowing your shyt. There are people from poor schools and areas that do well on the SAT. There are rich people who don't do well.
That's because those tests don't show shyt. I had a horrible SAT score but ended up Summa Cum Laude and am now currently getting my PhD...a test does not prove whether you can grasp intellectual material or work...they need to use a set of tasks and skills over time to determine a student's ability...grades don't count anymore in high school because they give gift grades all the time
The SAT is NOT the end-all-be-all when it comes to assessing ability but it does correlate with student natural ability.
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