These ESPN personalities have tweeted a little about this :
Stuart Scott, Stephan A, Cari Champion, Michael Smith, Skip Bayless ain't said shyt.
This is just from who I've searched thus far.
I know "we can't rely on celebrities" but I still think it's important to know if we have people with vast capability to spread the message in our corner....and maybe this is naive, but a part of me STILL expects these black celebs to speak out sometimes....
Kind of want to make a massive list of who has and who hasn't been scared....
who is this fakkit ass character?
can the millenials school me on this buffoon?
He seems like good people but he seems to be one of those bruthas that wasn't "urban" enough for some people and he complains a lot about the whole "I am called a sell out" stuff as shown on his timeline (He's also talked about it in his raps).
But as his timeline also shows, he does in fact give a fukk.
I'm not against him, although this situation has highlighted that "twitter activism" does in fact serve many purposes. Social Networking is what MADE this national news. It's also beneficial for other reasons....People say "Well what are YOU doing except posting on the Coli" as though everyone can be expected to just buy a ticket to wherever there is conflict that they care about. But they also forget that there is a therapeutic aspect to this as people from around the globe can meet up (In not physically, at least conversationally) and actually TALK about this shyt. It matters, even if it is only an echo-chamber of encouragement. Imagine not just having the internet, that's too big for our purposes...just imagine this story without twitter. Hell, just imagine that we actually had twitter...but didn't have Thecoli. Bruthas would be on somethingawful or bodybuilding forum trying to post the REAL but having to wade through a bunch of police-apologist bullshyt to do it.