@Say it Wit Ya Chest
well as a white male i don't share the same life experience in dealing with the police, but i think that the tactics employed by law enforcement in america are disgusting and detrimental to the overall quality of life for all citizens. i fear for the safety of the citizens of ferguson and for black folks in general. i have the privilege of viewing the situation from the outside but i side 100% with the protestors and journalists who are doing everything they can to illuminate the general public of the realities of what is going on in poor urban communities. i think the media coverage of this event primarily being done through twitter and viral media is a lot more helpful than it being completely ignored by major network news and the traditional press.
i live in a very racially divided city. black citizens in pittsburgh have never gotten any sort of fair treatment from the police, and high profile instance sof police brutality and murder have been around since i was a kid. an important one was johnny gammage in brentwood PA in 1992 which even at 10 years old then began to show me as a white person what black people have to deal with and it is very sad. personally i am not a fan of any police officer (i have one friend from college who is a black gang outreach officer in PG county MD and he is the only one i trust to actually understand what kids are dealing with in the streets because he has been there as well) and i operate under the old 4-Skins (english skinhead band) motto ACAB (All Cops Are b*stards). i think they are legalized brutal thugs who are under a regime that will steamroll everything that attempts to change the status quo.
i think the activists on twitter and other social media are doing the best they can to open people's eyes in the rest of the country and the world. all i can do is hold out hope that the protestors will be lucky and will not be exposed to any further police-driven violence.. i am a supporter of the yogic principle of ahimsa (i am a yoga teacher, this means non-harming) and i don't support violence. however i *DO* support the protestors defending themselves in any way necessary to protect themselves and their families. if they are attacked, fight back. i just sadly wish we didn't live in a world where the cops are above the law and traipsing around the US like the Gestapo.
i want Anonymous to expose the corrupt law enforcement administration covering up this situation. i want the officer who killed this poor kid exposed and put on trial and put in jail for the rest of his life. i want the folks in ferguson to get some relief from the federal government to rebuild any black-owned businesses that may have been destroyed (if any have been destroyed) and i want the governors of every state to work on creating more civilian oversight of the police force.
i want a lot of things that the current power structure in america built on institutionalized racism, classism, and corporate domination simply doesn't want to happen.
i also wish that people in the public eye (celebs, writers, thinkers) to focus on this and keep their minds off the general distractions the media create as we literally have warzones in our country at this moment and i know i won't get my wish.
if you have any more specific questions i would be happy to respond.