The #1 Rated Mixtape of all Time
Hey fukk out my face bYour comment is even dumber than the one you replied to.
Hey fukk out my face bYour comment is even dumber than the one you replied to.
Yall can neg me if yall wantfact of the matter is you see the same cats in these threads preaching the same garbage all the time. "Open season on black folks" "I'm moving to canada/africa/random country that you think shyt like this doesn't happen","arm up","crackas are the devil(as if their are no minority police officers)"etc.
Are any of yall moving units like that though? What the fukk yall actually doing about the issue besides sitting home being outraged for like a week before you move on and act like it never happen? Where ya rally's at? Your marches? Your actual tangible solution to this issue?
IDK tbh first thing we can do is force a group economic pot, much like AIPAC works for jews we need a lobbying group that works for us. Then we branch out. We allow nothing to impede our progress, if it takes black mail and extortion to change the laws and state laws then we need to do so... 2. controlling the media we need news stations, media outlets, hearts and minds...3, no internal strife or traitors allowed.
And everything you just named is simply fighting to get a bigger part in the devil's system. He will STILL control it.
it's been confirmed that the stealing
story was bullshyt.
the person working at the quicktrip confirmed
it and even called the radio so eat a dikk with that
this was a good kid who just graduated highschool,
and was about to start classes at vatterott monday.
these c00ns and crackas can drink my piss.
How if we control our share... You hurt their pockets that's what they respect. We move the laws to work for us... we keep black people out of jails, keep the crime rates down the private prison industries are gonna have to look for another scapegoat... If it takes a shadow war behind the scenes dragging our people out of the mud then we need to do so. Also we need to have a F.O.B. much like a place in africa, a homeland where black americans are invited to go back home... We wont need the devil's system we have our own...
The only thing that is going to get us out of this oppression is the Most High and his Son which you nikkas have turned your back upon, which ironically is the reason we are in this situation to begin with. You might not like that, but it is what it is.
Someone really needs to explain to me how a suburb can afford a vehicle like that and why would they need it for the police department.
i know you believe currency is the white mans tool, but nobody is coming to save us. your train of thought is exactly what white supremacist want. having dumbasses thinking if you'd just pray hard enough, someone would rescue us from the skies.
You know currency is the white man's tool also, yet y'all don't want to admit it. The dollar is about to be done with anyway, and nikkas put their faith in what the white man allows to them have as if a damn FRN is going to keep you nikkas from getting shot down in the street. It's alot more we need to do besides pray, but you're going to begging the Most High when these calamities come, which we can all see isn't far off. And guess what. he's going to ignore you and let that white man save you since you've trusted in him all along.
Hosea 4:6
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
while you go on living like currency has no value, i'll continue to stockpile vital supplies that money purchased me. we'll see who has the better plan in the long run.