So creating a fund, looking up a damn Black owned Clean up crew and paying them to clean up their payments worth of damage is a generic answer now? Creating a fund to help the Browns is a generic answer now bruh?
Sounds pretty specific to me
How's that gonna stop injustice man, what are you even talking about
You never shyt like this with police in places like Detroit, and Philly
because you have black officers everywhere, most of the problems with police have to do with incompetence and lack of funding in detroit, not race killings
I've never even been pulled over in detroit, detroit is only ridden with crime because the police cannot properly do their jobs because the city is corrupt, because good black men won't lead the city and let the scam artist have their way
in 92, LA rioted because Rodney King's attackers got away
same year Malice Green was killed by white officers in Detroit, they were convicted, and the black mayor Coleman Young was on national TV and said the police killed them
you see the difference