Poetical Poltergeist
Precise and cold hearted
Nope...but keep checking those nunbers so we are all informed of such importance.you see how quick 575 drop to 331 guests
Nope...but keep checking those nunbers so we are all informed of such importance.you see how quick 575 drop to 331 guests
that shyt is a bigger dagger than anything we've seen yetthat anon is putting in serious work. can't believe they had a confed flag in their house (well I can)
this whole thing is fukked up
Explain how
if all the police are white and the judges are white
whats gonna stop this from happening again when they are protected by the law
you can't, because you don't have knowledge
knowing how things are done is what is more important, money is easy, money is nothing
@Long_Live_The_Kane said he donated money to his aunt like 2 nights ago.. If most of the people that have been protesting gave the family just a few bucks I'm sure the funeral costs are covered.. I wouldn't take that Sharpton stuff at face value...
link? oh shyt...that anon is putting in serious work. can't believe they had a confed flag in their house (well I can)
this whole thing is fukked up
it hasnt even been a week...how can there be justice that quickly?
My point is that there are 365 days in a year...most people (regardless of race, but especially black folks) are just bullshytting the rest of the year...this tragedy happens, and cats want to turn into Malcolm X.
The folks looting dont care about the black community...if they did, it wouldnt be such a hell hole now.
Im not defending the cops...im just saying...im hearing a lot of dumb shyt come out of peoples mouths (in real life, and the internet). shyt like, we need to start killing white people, all white people want us dead, they should burn down all the stores in the neighborhood etc...
If nikkas really cared about the state of black america, I would be seeing more black people trying to move up in the world.
But what do you see when you go to the average hood? the same dumb shyt, day after day.
Explain how money solves problems in america?
Breh I don't think you get my point
Creating to a fund to help my black people down there PERIOD. Whether its Helping the browns with funeral cost, or investing in black business that will help restore them neighborhood is positive work brother
link? oh shyt...