Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

TC ‏@tchopstl 2m2 minutes ago
I cannot believe that the prosecutors told the jurors to do their own independent internet research. Good lord

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Bob McCulloch’s father, Paul, was a STL police officer and was killed on July 2, 1964. His alleged killer was a black man named Eddie Glenn who was charged and convicted of 1st degree murder.

I say alleged because this detailed article argues that

1. Eddie Glenn may have been “guilty of 2nd degree murder or manslaughter, but should have been acquitted due to the circumstantial and doubtful nature of the evidence against him”

or 2. that Paul McCulloch may have been “killed by either his own gun or from gunfire from a fellow officer”


All Star
Jun 22, 2013
Anybody seen this bullshyt? New video of "Michael Brown". You'd think he was the one who got away with murder the way they're trying to destroy his name.


The gentle GIANT Yea?

Attached is a video taken from a cell phone, showing how Michael Brown.....(yes, the one and the same)....treats a senior black male. This 300 lb. young boy (that's what media calls him) is the same Michael Brown that attempted to take a gun away from a police officer and paid with his life. Here is the fellow that all of the riots are about. Videos don't lie. You will not see this in the media. Pass this around so the truth can be known. It needs to be seen!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, the Grand Jury got it
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
EXCLUSIVE: Now Ferguson prosecutor is accused of lying about evidence in ANOTHER grand jury which cleared police of killing two unarmed black men

Grand jury decided to clear Officer Darren Wilson in November after he shot Michael Brown to death in Ferguson, MO, in August

Decision sparked nationwide protests under slogan 'Hands up, don't shoot' though claims Brown were later discredited

Now St Louis County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch stands accused of lying about another high-profile grand jury which cleared police of shooting unarmed black men in Missouri

The 'Jack In The Box' killings in 2000 have parallels to Ferguson death of Michael Brown claim American Civil Liberties Union

Claim is part of legal case in which grand juror is asking for right to speak publicly and claims prosecutor is not being 'transparent' about hearing

Lead attorney for 'Grand Juror Doe says McCulloch is using the secrecy of the grand jury to 'cover up' shocking truth of Darren Wilson hearing


Misleading? The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of an unnamed juror who wants to speak about the investigation but would be in violation of Missouri law by doing so. The juror also claims prosecutor Bob McCulloch's office favored witnesses who supported Wilson's version of events


The prosecutor at the center of the Ferguson scandal has been accused of lying about evidence presented to grand jurors in an earlier case in which police shot dead two unarmed black men.

The explosive allegation is made in a court case that threatens to lift the lid on the final secrets of the investigation into the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown last summer.

The unarmed black teen was shot dead by Ferguson cop Darren Wilson, 29, on 9 August. Violent protests raged in the immediate aftermath.

Witness accounts that Brown had raised his hands and begged ‘Don’t shoot’ were later discredited but ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ remained the banner under which protesters marched in November, when public fury reignited with the grand jury’s failure to indict Wilson on any charges.

Now, State Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has been accused of using the secrecy of the grand jury to ‘cover up’ racism and inequity; of withholding evidence through ‘significant’ redactions in the public evidence dump; of falsely suggesting that the grand jury was unified in its final verdict and of lying before – 15 years ago - under uncannily similar circumstances.

The allegations are made by Anthony Rothert, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri in the case of Grand Juror Doe v Robert P McCulloch - an attempt by one of the grand jurors to be allowed to speak openly about what happened in the hearing.

Mr Rothert said, ‘Bob McCulloch has put out his narrative about what the grand jurors thought and it’s not accurate. He’s said he has released all the evidence but there are significant redactions and context missing.’
And it is not the first time Mr McCulloch has been accused of being less than truthful.

Mr Rothert continued, ‘Any government official should be questioned,but there is true reason to be skeptical when Bob McCulloch says he is being fully transparent. He made that claim once before, in the investigation of a June 12, 2000, police shooting.

‘He wasn’t telling the truth. Years later, evidence that he was withholding came out.’

On 12 June 2000 two police officers shot dead two unarmed black men in Berkeley, Missouri – within walking distance of the Ferguson street on which Michael Brown was gunned down.

The incident became infamous locally as the Jack in the Box shootings, named after the fast food chain in whose parking lot the killings took place.

Victim Earl Murray, 36, was a small time drug dealer. His friend Ronald Beasley, also 36, was a married father of three who worked in an auto repair store and just happened to be in Murray’s car when officers sprayed it with 21 bullets.

What followed – public outrage, official reluctance to name the officers, a grand jury’s failure to indict and, significantly, the central roles played by Bob McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson – is strikingly similar to the events that have unfolded in Ferguson over the past five months.





Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012
EXCLUSIVE: Now Ferguson prosecutor is accused of lying about evidence in ANOTHER grand jury which cleared police of killing two unarmed black men


Misleading? The American Civil Liberties Union filed the lawsuit on behalf of an unnamed juror who wants to speak about the investigation but would be in violation of Missouri law by doing so. The juror also claims prosecutor Bob McCulloch's office favored witnesses who supported Wilson's version of events


The prosecutor at the center of the Ferguson scandal has been accused of lying about evidence presented to grand jurors in an earlier case in which police shot dead two unarmed black men.

The explosive allegation is made in a court case that threatens to lift the lid on the final secrets of the investigation into the shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown last summer.

The unarmed black teen was shot dead by Ferguson cop Darren Wilson, 29, on 9 August. Violent protests raged in the immediate aftermath.

Witness accounts that Brown had raised his hands and begged ‘Don’t shoot’ were later discredited but ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ remained the banner under which protesters marched in November, when public fury reignited with the grand jury’s failure to indict Wilson on any charges.

Now, State Prosecutor Bob McCulloch has been accused of using the secrecy of the grand jury to ‘cover up’ racism and inequity; of withholding evidence through ‘significant’ redactions in the public evidence dump; of falsely suggesting that the grand jury was unified in its final verdict and of lying before – 15 years ago - under uncannily similar circumstances.

The allegations are made by Anthony Rothert, legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri in the case of Grand Juror Doe v Robert P McCulloch - an attempt by one of the grand jurors to be allowed to speak openly about what happened in the hearing.

Mr Rothert said, ‘Bob McCulloch has put out his narrative about what the grand jurors thought and it’s not accurate. He’s said he has released all the evidence but there are significant redactions and context missing.’
And it is not the first time Mr McCulloch has been accused of being less than truthful.

Mr Rothert continued, ‘Any government official should be questioned,but there is true reason to be skeptical when Bob McCulloch says he is being fully transparent. He made that claim once before, in the investigation of a June 12, 2000, police shooting.

‘He wasn’t telling the truth. Years later, evidence that he was withholding came out.’

On 12 June 2000 two police officers shot dead two unarmed black men in Berkeley, Missouri – within walking distance of the Ferguson street on which Michael Brown was gunned down.

The incident became infamous locally as the Jack in the Box shootings, named after the fast food chain in whose parking lot the killings took place.

Victim Earl Murray, 36, was a small time drug dealer. His friend Ronald Beasley, also 36, was a married father of three who worked in an auto repair store and just happened to be in Murray’s car when officers sprayed it with 21 bullets.

What followed – public outrage, official reluctance to name the officers, a grand jury’s failure to indict and, significantly, the central roles played by Bob McCulloch and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson – is strikingly similar to the events that have unfolded in Ferguson over the past five months.


Anybody with common sense can see this, lets just hope this goes somewhere