i applaud the ppl that keep fighting and pushing the message. fuk a celebrity2015 and this thread ain't over.
Sadly I see more innocent black folks getting murked by the police this year...and absolutely nothing happening to those cops other than them getting "put on standard paid adminstrative leave" (ie compensated for being a murderer) and having donation funds set up in their honor. All while the victims, their families, and friends are drug through the mud.
I'm back in NYC now. I drove past the memorial they had for the two pigs that got murked on the corner of Tompkins and Myrtle in Brooklyn and they have that shyt barricaded and guarded by Police 24/7. Not even famous people who die get their memorials guarded by police and barricaded 24/7.
TBH, I would love to see that memorial get destroyed. It seems only fair seeing how the cops destroyed Mike Brown's memorial, and he had far less blood on his hands than those officers (ie ZERO).
Yeah its a law they got there where there grand jury can never speak .. Being that the grand jury was 9 whites and 3 blacks,( ironically they needed 9 votes for a indictment) I would bet the world that its one of the black jurors who wants to talk and expose the fukkery that went on behind closed doors.Is that even Fukkin possible?????
A Nigerian breh. Horrifying sh!t.
RIP Matthew Ajibade from Savannah, Georgia
ACLU of Missouri @aclu_mo · 38m 38 minutes ago
BREAKING @aclu_mo sues McCulloch on behalf of #Ferguson Grand Juror to challenge lifetime gag http://bit.ly/1vT2I6P
TC @tchopstl · 8m 8 minutes ago
This seems to be signaling a majority of the GJ did want to charge Darren Wilson but they couldn't agree on charges.
TC @tchopstl 3h3 hours ago
These are incredibly confusing instructions to GJ. They had to prove a negative to indict?