Various colleges across the state of NJ collaborated in a collective direction action in their respective areas to force attention to the atrocious amount of police brutality against black bodies and the disgusting nature of the justice system. Students shut down major highways up and down the state.
Young people are powerful. Young people themselves are the leaders they have been waiting for.
#blacklivesmatter prints by oreeoriginal in toronto
for aiyana stanely-jones, islan nettles, mike brown, eric garner, oscar grant, and the countless unnamed. love n light to all resisting racist state violence from ferguson to scarborough.
Today I shot this project entitled Protect & Serve. It’s a selection of objects that the American Police Force find to be of deadly threat to their lives.
Police shot and killed another unarmed black man last night in Sanford, NC… His name is Travis Faison. December 11, 2014
Congressional staffers stage walk out to protest police killings
More than 150 congressional staffers, as well as a few elected officials, walked off the job Thursday afternoon, gathering on the steps of the Capitol to join protests in support of the families of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, two unarmed black men killed by police officers last summer.
#blacklivesmatter, because this was far from an isolated incident and this is fight is far from over