I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
But they got kill for it and the communities got burn down from 40s-80s. It just seems to me that pic was alluding to black own business and economic power from us will be our way out of white supremacy.
They act like black ppl never did that before now I hear whites recite the same shyt. I feel like most of them are not in depth with the history if they only preaching economic power and nothing else
We don't only need that but a force, black, solidarity(community), pride(instill), re-teach our kids,building blocks, history lesson about the african diaspora, different mindset, backing from other groups of black, specialized training, somehow get a all black Unified Group Services in each of our communities to gather resources and understand the black plight( basically a
Black*in the diaspora* unified communications group in every community), we need to stay connected with each other (like a ethnicity base in each part of the world)
We need black people who specialized in all military/warfield to give us the game and teach us. We need to know combat
Im not sayings its a bad thing but I believe we've always needed something more than other racial groups. We have to be the most who get shyt it on by different groups of ppl around the world
White people didn't want us to vote....so now we use that to get black ppl to go out in vote
They infiltrated the noi, black panther partyblack nationalist ect but I don't hear same ppl say" they killed our leaders and wage war on us we need to make a revolutionary black organization for self- defense and blackpride to go against the government because they didnt want us to"
They kill ppl for protesting, put the dogs on them, waterholes on them. White people didn't want us to protest they wanted us to take the pain quietly....you don't hear the same ppl say we should protest because they didn't want us to
To me blackpower(fist) to me mean black solidarity. Stokely Carmichael (who coined the word/concept if i remember right), black panthers. I feel like they was trying to make a profound point but they end up diminishing the true definition why we raise that fist up (black power) or why we use to. Like we haven't try everything in different times
Breh....that's a long fukking post