loyola llothta

Things on Ferguson can change on a dime and for no apparent reason.
Part 2 of ?
Part 1
Saturday, November 22nd
Last night the St. Louis County PD arrested (Trey Yingst) a protester and reporter forNews2Share while he was on a public sidewalk.
(Watch the Vine of the arrest)
michael eric dyson gave rudy guiliani that work.
I cringe when people bring up "black on black" crime, but fail to mention that 84% of white people are killed by other whites. People of the same group killing each other has more to do with proximity than anything else.
Btw - Giuliani is a piece of shyt.
He was saying the grand jury must indict and he was kinda yelling and talking over people. There wasn't anything wrong with what he said. How he said it was cringe-worthy as ever.What he say?