Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


Jun 8, 2012
@rapbeats the word you looking for is envy not fear
I wasnt looking for any word personally. and envy is also incorrect. the word cant be envy when we ASKED for EQUAL rights. we dont envy white people in america or across the globe. we ask to be treated like humans. a human should never be in a position where he/she might feel envious because he/she isnt being treated as a human being. but again. thats what what black people feel vs whites. all we have ever desired was treat me as a human being. just like you and yours. nothing more...nothing less.

blacks feel is called fatigued.. to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of some other human trying to tell the world and you as well, that your people are sub human.

that gets tiring.

thats why i say its virtually impossible for a black person to be racist(we're not talking about name calling). even in the event where a black person harms a white person and says they dont like white people thats why they did it. now is that right? NO. but is it understandable after all black people have been thru at the hands of white people? YEP. See i can't logically understand why the white man hates black people. when actually blacks have done more to help whites then harm them. cant say the same in reverse.

how do america whites hate on blacks. when they chose to steal blacks and bring them here? makes no logical sense.

sure i know there are other reasons(the 1% of white folks turning the 99% against people of color to keep all of us 99%ers from rushing their gates. ) but just the simple idea of hating on a people that didnt come here by choice. blacks are not even next door mexicans that come thru. we..did not come here by choice. what you mad at us for?

white people in general think more about black people then we do about them. but blacks have been subjugated by whites. it makes no sense. why do young whites/and older ones always gotta black joke on their lips? how many white jokes has a black person heard thru their life time? one.... two... 3 maybe tops. ask your fellow white neighbor the same question in reverse and i guarantee you he/she cant count them on 2 hands.

the only time white people come up in my house or in my parent's homes. is when white people/white supremacy has done an injustice to some other person. thats it and thats all. So sorry, its not envy.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Ferguson residents, cops are buying weapons and riot gear to prepare for grand jury decision. Police have spent $100,000 on riot gear


As a grand jury prepares to decide whether Officer Darren Wilson will be indicted for the death of Michael Brown, residents of Ferguson, the St. Louis suburb, are getting ready for the worst-case scenario.

“I bring an extra gun [to work] now only because it has a bigger magazine,” said Dan McMullen, a Ferguson insurance broker, in an interview with CNN. “So maybe I get trapped here or something and have to have a John Wayne shootout … That’s the silly part about it: Is that going to happen? Not a chance. But I guess, could it? I’m the only white person here.”

CNN’s Jason Kravarik and Sara Sidner also spoke with Steven King, owner of Metro Shooting Supplies, who told them that while a usual weekend will see about 30 visitors, this weekend customers bought 100 guns.

“A lot of black people coming in saying they are afraid of the hooliganism,” he said. “But not all of Ferguson is hooliganish. The media portrays us that way. If the world can just see this is one little street in Ferguson going crazy, they’d understand that we’re not just one big burning city.”

Gun sales at Metro Shooting Range in a nearby suburb were also up by 40 to 50 percent last week.

Meanwhile, the St. Louis County Police Department has been stocking up on equipment in case protests turn violent as they did this past August. According to the Associated Press, the department has spent $65,000 on riot gear and $35,000 to restock its pepper spray, smoke canisters and rubber bullets.

St. Louis County Police spokesperson Sgt. Brian Schellman says they aren’t taking any chances: “It only takes one in 10 with bad intentions to make the entire situation spiral out of control.”



Jun 8, 2012
Then why can white people walk a tightrope between two skycrapers blindfolded, go skydiving from insane feet, yet they still gotta cross to the other side of the street when a black man passes them on the sidewalk?

Seems like YOU'RE the one ducking the truth. That's FEAR. And fear has been a major motivator in major world movements since the beginning of time.
this^^^. the reason you see them bring out the guns when you're unarmed. the same reason why they call for backup when its just one of you. if you were not afraid. put the gun back in the holster and dont call for backup. its just one of me vs one of you if things get hairy. or...are you afraid?