Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Grams Grands Gucci G'd Up
May 1, 2012
Great post. Every single motherfukking day, I go outside and see the MAJORITY of Black people struggling. It is as obvious in their faces as the color of their eyes. And yet when I look at these whites, all I see are cacs living the life, enjoying a society that pampers them from birth and gives them a free ride that was made possible by the millions of Africans they shipped here to be slaves. How can any self-respecting Black man or woman who knows their history see what is going on and not be outraged? And the vast majority of white America not only doesn't care about our misery - they delight in it.
And it's funny how whites in America are the softest people on the planet. They have everything made for them to succeed and when they go through ONE minor setback they kill themselves or go on a shooting spree. Pathetic :mjlol:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
I feel ya.

I just said what I said cause I consider myself a student of history. Yeah, other races don't have it as bad as us...but white people collectively are not fans of them.
People forget that Japanese American citizens were placed in Internment camps during WWIII
People forget that Muslims/Arabs/Indians were getting hated on, targeted, dragged out of cars, beat up in the days/weeks following 9/11
People forget that Mexicans were victimized in race riots following WWII

The patriotism of minorities has always been put in question...it never has been by whites because it's their (stolen) country.
They are a threat to white supremacy cause white supremacy depends on a hegemony and hiearchy being maintained by whites.

If they use violent force or don't...they already looked terrible in the eyes of the world...especially as the big brother who polices each and every nation but can't even police itself. People are waking up...I got to thank the internet and social media for that. Like how are the big news stations gonna spin a possible violent outburst from the US military on unarmed civilians? It's literally impossible.

did they get reparation? strategic political partners. Japan is important to western military operation. they are very important military strategic partners with the U.S., these dudes were paying our bills as well as keeping the nation afloat

when shyt really go down we will be by ourselves to pick up the pieces or be used. the leeches will soon come to put they business right cross the street (selling RIP t-shirts etc.) and the others will indulge in the culture like vultures to profit from it. some blacks will still :cape:for them.

Honestly, white supremacy is a global system that has been in function for centuries...but it could possibly fall apart in years/seconds even when people are forced to come to terms with how unfair and disproportionate the treatment of black people has been to the rest of the world.

That's why I think President Obama tried to say that the media fly zone was justified...he knows that the rest of the world is seeing what we're seeing and are really scrutinizng the f*ck out of this country right now.

America has already failed as a country and we're just seeing right now what that failure looks like right now..everything else depends on us waking up...we can't afford to stay asleep any longer.

i don't think the president give two shyt about Ferguson
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
did they get reparation? strategic political partners. Japan is important to western military operation. they are very important military strategic partners with the U.S.,

i don't think the president give two shyt about Ferguson

Acting to redress what many Americans now regard as a historic injustice, the Senate today voted overwhelmingly to give $20,000 and an apology to each of the Japanese-Americans who were driven from their homes and sent to internment camps in World War II.

The vote was 69 to 27 and followed an emotional debate. The bill's principal advocate, Senator Spark M. Matsunaga, a Japanese-American from Hawaii, almost wept as, recalling the suffering of internees, he related the story of an elderly man who crossed a fence to retrieve a ball for his grandchild and was machine-gunned to death.

The intensity of the debate, and Mr. Matsunaga's sorrow, seemed to symbolize the agony of conscience the nation has undergone over the internment issue - and the impossibility, despite the best intentions, of making more than a token apology now.

An estimated 60,000 of the 120,000 people interned are still alive. Those sent away as a result of an order issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 included 77,000 American citizens and 43,000 legal and illegal resident aliens. The last camp was closed in January 1946.


May 20, 2012
When they return no indictment against Darren Wilson, the gloves are coming off.

As much as I wish this to be true.. it wont be.. odds are they will announce the verdict by this weekend and you know why? cause they will want the protest to die down by black friday so all of yall can run out to the stores and spend your money supporting these white businesses. a black out of black friday and holiday spending would be a real protest. peacefully marching around wont accomplish anything.


All Star
Jun 22, 2013
As much as I wish this to be true.. it wont be.. odds are they will announce the verdict by this weekend and you know why? cause they will want the protest to die down by black friday so all of yall can run out to the stores and spend your money supporting these white businesses. a black out of black friday and holiday spending would be a real protest. peacefully marching around wont accomplish anything.
They could announce it on Thanksgiving and we'll still be out there fighting over 26" Dynex flat screens and Gateway laptops. The black community doesn't need to boycott white businesses for Michael Brown. We need to do it for our culture as a whole.

For that matter, we need to boycott every other minority that sets up shop in our own neighborhoods. And we need to learn how to stop blowing money on dumb shyt and invest as a whole.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

In Gretna, Florida, Juanita Donald called the police to come assist her and get her 24 year old son to take his medication, as she had done in the past.

On Tuesday morning, around 9:30 am, she called the police to help her with her son Kaldrick Donald and one officer showed up, Sergeant Charles Brown.

Charles Brown ended up tasing Kaldrick Donald repeatedly, and then took him into the isolated bathroom in the family’s house and shot him multiple times, killing him.

Brown murdered Donald in the presence his pregnant sister and mother, and no one can even say why. He was completely unarmed, and somehow not completely sane.

His mother said “I heard my baby say, I want my mama after he shot him, and then I didn’t hear anything else.”

His mother said she was “expecting them to take him to the Apalachee Center like before”, but instead a single officer came and escalated the situation, murdering him in front of his family.

Juanita continued to say “It wasn’t but one officer. Instead of him calling for backup, he took things in his own hands and he goes in the house and he rush him and shoot him.”

She continued to say he “didn’t want to be bothered”, and that he simply walked away from the officer.

She says Sergeant Charles Brown “Just grabbed him and he tased him. Then when he grabbed him and tased him, he rushed my son off in the bathroom and I heard three shots. I was like, you shot my son and he was like, I had to. I said, no, you didn’t have to.”

Charles Brown is now on ‘administrative leave’, or paid vacation, and if this story doesn’t blow up then this officer surely will see no charges.


Jun 8, 2012
Don't come in here talking that fear crap. White people are not scared of us. Yall say that bs so yAll can sleep better at night. When I fear something, I will stay away from that person, place, or thing.
well actually thats not true. they do fear black people in general. they fear your dna. they fear the fact if you get to roam truly free, you will completely get rid of the white man entirely by way of breeding him out. this was always his biggest fear(hence the cutting off of your genitals while hanging you. why not just hang a brotha? why you gotta do all of that? why you keeping them in jars?"

white men in general knows that black men in general have that alpha male thing about them that women lean towards. if you take away all the racism in the world. every women in the world would prefer a good looking brotha over a good looking anything else. thats just the truth of the matter. not hate, not self pumping up, thats a fact. black culture even some african culture. still gives women more rights and more of an equal share then other cultures even white culture. a rich white man and a hot white chick. usually means the white chick gets no run. she's just there as eye candy. and she better act like it. a rich black man marries a hot chick(doesnt matter the race). and she's a bit more then just eye candy to him. thats just how our culture differs. women notice this. you can get the alpha male that also gives you a little more love. why not go that route. so you need that cism to keep from breeding them out.

now dont be fooled even if we bred them out. then it would just become light vs dark(see dominican vs haiti)

back to the question of do they fear us?
physically speaking they (on average) fear black people. on average black people are probably bigger then white people in america. black people are poorer and that means we are living in tough situations which breeds a rougher person. which = more fighting when you grow up.

now white folks (in general) are better off in life. therefore less crime, less fighting, etc in their neighborhoods. this means you have kids growing up who have never had a legit fist fight all of a sudden coming into contact with black folks who had to throw hands daily(depending on where you were from). its not about how good you can fight. most people CANT fight properly. so then the edge goes to the guy/chick thats USED to fighting. so he/she wont be too afraid to get hit or hit someone if the time comes.

white people in general are quicker to call the law to come to their rescue. what would happen if the law didnt see blacks as animals. and they actually treated us like equals. so white folks wouldnt be so quick to call the gustapo? whites would have to go get guns/weapons. because they are afraid to throw hands with people that have been throwing hands since they were 6 years old.

now we are not talking about outlier white folks stocking up on guns, we're not talking about outlier white guys who love MMA and have all the videos and are training in MMA. and even then i bet you if a black guy was the same size as the white guy with the same training and the same guns. the white guy would fear that black dude more then the other way around. Blacks fear white supremacy. because that brings the law/jail/police/army with guns vs just you a regular citizen. into the equation. blacks dont fear white people 1 vs 1.
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loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
McCulloch rules July 5 shooting by Pine Lawn police was justified

Family wants answers in case of fatal shooting by Pine Lawn police officer

30-year-old man was killed after speeding from police, crashing car and running away. He had no gun. Read more

The fatal shooting of an unarmed man on July 5 by a Pine Lawn police officer appeared to be justified and “not excessive under the circumstances,” according to a review by St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch.
The shooting, involving a black man shot by a white police officer, happened one month before the Aug. 9 shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old, by a white police officer in Ferguson. The Brown shooting has led to continuing protests and a grand jury investigation.

In this case, Christopher Maurice Jones, 30, of Bel-Ridge, died from a single gunshot wound to the rear of his right arm; an autopsy determined that the bullet entered his chest cavity and struck his heart, according to a four-page synopsis of the evidence in the case written by an attorney in McCulloch’s office.

The medical examiner’s office had previously denied requests for the autopsy report, saying the case was still under investigation. The office did not respond to an email follow-up Monday.

The synopsis said Jones fled a traffic stop by a Pine Lawn police officer on westbound Interstate 70 at Bermuda Drive about 1:54 a.m. With Officer Nicholas Stone in pursuit, he drove as fast as 114 mph before crashing on the exit ramp to southbound Interstate 170, then got out and continued running down the ramp.

Looking inside the wrecked car, Stone saw an empty holster in the center console, the synopsis said. Stone then chased Jones on foot. Jones resisted several attempts by Stone to put him in handcuffs, including three discharges from a Taser.

Jones, who stood 6 feet, 2 inches tall and weighed 240 pounds, “was substantially larger in frame and stature than Stone,” the synopsis said. Stone said Jones swung his arm backward, striking Stone in the chest, and threatened to kill him. Jones reached into his waistband with his right hand and raised his shirt with his left. Stone drew his weapon and yelled, “Show me your hands,” at least three times, the synopsis said.

“The suspect continued to bring his arm backward to the officer’s location,” the synopsis said. Stone, believing Jones had drawn a firearm, “discharged his weapon one time, striking Jones in the outside portion of the right arm,” the synopsis said.

Investigators could not find an independent witness to the shooting, according to the synopsis.

There was no video evidence, either, despite a 2012 agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice that the city make “reasonable effort” to secure funding for in-carvideo cameras to provide “an unbiased account of events.” That agreement was precipitated by complaints about police misconduct and racial profiling. But the synopsis said none of the Pine Lawn officers or cars had cameras. Anthony D. Gray, director of public safety for Pine Lawn, has said that the department is still evaluating cameras.

Detectives with the St. Louis County Police Department located two of Jones’ friends, who told them he had been “heavily intoxicated” and “increasingly combative” with friends at a small Independence Day party. Jones had a 0.17 percent blood-alcohol level, more than twice the legal limit, and had marijuana in his system, the synopsis said. About 32 grams of marijuana, and scales, were found in the wrecked car.

Although a release from county police hours after the shooting claimed Jones had been pulled over for a “wanted person” alert on the license plate, the synopsis said Pine Lawn officers were not aware that the car had been reported stolen or that Jones had active warrants or previous felony convictions.

“The initial stop was solely because of the speeding,” the synopsis said.

The synopsis found irregularities in the Taser records: Time stamps indicated the weapon was deployed after Jones was pronounced dead. Investigators decided the Taser’s internal timer was not accurate.

Jones’ mother, Christa Jones of Bel-Ridge, recently told the Post-Dispatch that authorities had not communicated with her about the circumstances of her son’s shooting. And she said no one had notified her Monday, before a reporter sought comment.

“Of course they were going to say justifiable homicide,” she said. “But how do you justify killing somebody, a human being?”

