Dr. Narcisse
On some real shyt, this is rather....sad. A group of unarmed folks using their constitutional rights to protest. In response, they get Apache helicopters, armored tanks, riot geared police, and way much more. All this to protect this one cop, and white supremacy overall. Crazy.
Honestly, after all this, I'm not sure what more of a wake up call black ppl need here. It's as blatant as it get. From Darren Wilson's actions to the general public and media's reaction to it all. Black folks are gonna have to make a big decision on what direction they are going to go in this country and beyond.
But for the time being its very unfortunate, as well as a very blunt statement from the opposition. All the protestors, in the very very short term, want is a trial. And in response, they get this.
If you read those emails I posted from my grad school. They want college students to VIEW protesters as a threat and to REPORT any protest activity to the police .

The shyt going on here