Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Talk No Jutsu
Sep 30, 2014
yea i meant not EVEN lookin at the fact that hes guilty

that construction worker reaction vid is just damning :scusthov:

And they keep digging their own damn grave.....Think about it, what if we as a people agreed with what Isis said about 'us' being to weak and that we needed to fight back.....What if we actually acted on what they said.........I mean, how much is this worth?


May 2, 2012
To leave. But y'all wanna stay. Not saying you, but a lot of dummies do. No group of people gets f*cked in the ass for 400 years, finally is given their freedom and instead of fleeing, decides to get back on the bed and tell the guy, "Ima lie here but please don't rape me in the a** again. Sh*t is disgraceful and you get what you deserve.


@Poitier ^


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014


The Justice Department blasts unethical, deliberate leaks in Ferguson, but what’s next?

1. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, seeing the damaging nature of these leaks, has the power to appoint a special prosecutor to replace St. Louis prosecutor Bob McCulloch. A Washington Postop-ed by Dana Milbank recently called the entire grand jury process in this case a “farce.”

2. Judge Carolyn Whittington, who swore this grand jury in, has the ability to investigate leaks, replace those responsible, and even start the entire process over again.

3. Prosecutor Bob McCulloch could, himself, lead an investigation into these troubling releases of information and decide to address them head on.Certainly a conflict of interest exists with this option because he could actually be the source of the leaks and it’s in his professional best interest to find nothing at all.

4. The Department of Justice, as was just suggested by Eric Holder’s comments, seeing these continuous leaks as a pattern of behavior by various departments throughout St. Louis, has the ability to put in place new guidelines and restrictions with real consequences for not following them. However, the federal government is not able to actually intervene to help prosecute state and local cases. Unless the DOJ found that Darren Wilson violated the civil rights of Mike Brown, the DOJ can only act as a monitor and guide throughout this case.

(Read more)



My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
I loved last week's strategy of migrating south before leaving all together

It's becoming clearer each second that its time.

The Exit Plan

Exit where? Blacks need to be in every global market and self-sufficient. What we are seeing is what happens when we are content to let them run us. We also need to connect all Black economic ties globally.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

But Melinek told MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell on Wednesday that her comments had been taken “out of context” and that she believed the findings could be explained by other scenarios as well.

"What happens sometimes is when you get interviewed and you have a long conversation with a journalist, they’re going to take things out of context," she said. "I made it very clear that we only have partial information here. We don’t have the scene information. We don’t have the police investigation. We don’t have all the witness statements. And you can’t interpret autopsy findings in a vacuum."

She and O’Donnell then walked through a variety of alternative situations in which the gunshot residue found on Brown’s hand — the key finding that suggested Brown had been reaching for Wilson’s gun — could have gotten there.

"I’m not saying that Brown going for the gun is the only explanation. I’m saying the officer said he was going for the gun and the right thumb wound supports that," Melinek. "I have limited information. It could also be consistent with other scenarios. That’s the important thing. That’s why the witnesses need to speak to the grand jury and the grand jury needs to hear all the unbiased testimony and compare those statements to the physical evidence."

Expert: My Michael Brown Autopsy Analysis Was Taken ‘Out Of Context’

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
So the news media handed the police’s version of events to a medical examiner who lives thousands of miles from Ferguson, one who has been a public supporter of Darren Wilson since day one, and then published her conclusions as though they were unbiased. Like I said from the second that story dropped, wild fukking suspicious.

And of course she admitted on MSNBC that the conclusion she said was definitely what happened (Wilson’s side of the story) was not the only possibility at all whatsoever, but that was after she’d already said what she had to say.

There’s been consistent photo, audio, and video evidence that the police are lying, but the media has been covering their side of the story as truth. That’s been the police and media strategy this whole time.
  1. Ignore witnesses and obvious factual inaccuracies in the cops’ side of the story, publish as fact, only use “alleged” to describe cops’ wrongdoings and nothing victim is accused of.
  2. Post retractions and contradicting stories from witnesses and others directly involved (e.g. convenience store owner saying Mike Brown didn’t steal anything, video showing him paying for the Swishers, and the police admitting no crime occurred) below the fold, while posting any new word from the cops at the top of the page.
  3. Repeat debunked information in ambiguous ways that imply the possibility of truth (e.g. “sources initially reported that Wilson suffered an orbital blowout fracture to his eye socket”) without pointing out that said information is 100% false.
  4. Back to 1.


Is now part of Thee Alliance. Ill die for this ish
May 6, 2012


The Justice Department blasts unethical, deliberate leaks in Ferguson, but what’s next?

1. Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, seeing the damaging nature of these leaks, has the power to appoint a special prosecutor to replace St. Louis prosecutor Bob McCulloch. A Washington Postop-ed by Dana Milbank recently called the entire grand jury process in this case a “farce.”

2. Judge Carolyn Whittington, who swore this grand jury in, has the ability to investigate leaks, replace those responsible, and even start the entire process over again.

3. Prosecutor Bob McCulloch could, himself, lead an investigation into these troubling releases of information and decide to address them head on.Certainly a conflict of interest exists with this option because he could actually be the source of the leaks and it’s in his professional best interest to find nothing at all.

4. The Department of Justice, as was just suggested by Eric Holder’s comments, seeing these continuous leaks as a pattern of behavior by various departments throughout St. Louis, has the ability to put in place new guidelines and restrictions with real consequences for not following them. However, the federal government is not able to actually intervene to help prosecute state and local cases. Unless the DOJ found that Darren Wilson violated the civil rights of Mike Brown, the DOJ can only act as a monitor and guide throughout this case.

(Read more)

Man fukk the doj, they dont do shyt, nothing about trayvon, cops suppose to wear name tags, coos dont wear name tags, tired if them motherfukkers too

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The New York Times Assassinates Michael Brown | Margaret Kimberley →blackagendareport.com

The odds of the legal system bringing justice to Michael Brown’s family were always slim. They are even slimmer if the New York Times, the so-called paper of record, gives license to killer police officers. Already the poorly reported story is being repeated as gospel truth, and righteous anger is made to appear suspect.

Michael Brown was running away and already wounded when he was shot in the head and in the eye. Until the New York Times makes that clear their coverage is worthless journalistically and gives aid and comfort to American lynch law, which has never been repealed.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Michael Brown’s official autopsy indicates he was shot in the hand at close range during a struggle, but a medical examiner not involved in the investigation says there’s no way to conclude whether the injury meant the unarmed 18-year-old was trying to grab the gun of the officer who killed him.

The St. Louis County medical examiner’s autopsy report, obtained by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, doesn’t explain why Brown was killed after the apparent scuffle at Officer Darren Wilson’s police vehicle spilled onto a Ferguson street or confirm whether he was confronting Wilson or trying to surrender when he was fatally shot - both scenarios offered by various witnesses to the Aug. 9 shooting.


St. Louis city medical examiner Michael Graham, who was not involved in the autopsy, said that and other evidence indicates the shot to the hand probably occurred inside Wilson’s SUV. Graham, in an interview with the AP, said it’s impossible to conclude whether the close-range injury meant Brown was trying to grab the officer’s gun, as Wilson has alleged.

Judy Melinek, a forensic pathologist from San Francisco, said combined with other evidence, the autopsy indicates there was a struggle for Wilson’s gun inside the officer’s SUV.

"You don’t just look at one piece of evidence," Melinek told the AP. "You have a witness statement, the officer, saying that Michael Brown is reaching for the gun and it goes off and hits (Brown’s) hand. The physical findings (in the autopsy) are consistent with the officer’s statement."

Murder victims often have defensive gunshot wounds to their hands, either because they instinctively put their hand between themselves and the gun or because they try to push the gun away. Even if the original theory was true, there’s no reason to believe that trying to get the gun away from Wilson wasn’t a defensive act as well. Key questions remain unanswered.

"After there was no more threat, and (Brown) was running away, why did Officer Darren Wilson keep shooting?" Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump asked in an interview with the AP. "That’s what this is about. When Michael Brown put his hands up in the air, why does the officer keep shooting?"

And the story of Brown charging Wilson makes no sense at all. Brown’s body was some 25-30 feet away from Wilson’s vehicle. If we believe Wilson’s version of events, Brown attacked Wilson, then broke free, then ran 35-45 feet away, then turned around and ran back to attack Wilson again. The purpose of fleeing police is to escape, not to run around in a big, pointless circle — after you’ve been shot — in order to give the cop plenty of time to shoot you again. No one would behave this way.

The fact that an inconclusive autopsy is being spun into a conclusive one tells you all you need to know about what’s happening with the grand jury in Ferguson; the fix is in,just as it was in the Trayvon Martin case.