Cops said "they found a gun" that doesn't mean they found a gun on vonderrit. Witnesses say he didn't have a gun on him but he did have a sandwichdid they find a gun on vonderrit? any proof that the gun powder was fired from the weapon found on his person?
maybe he was shooting a gun earlier in the day somewhere else.
Mysterious new witness
Cop Who Pushed CNN Reporter In Ferguson Retires With Full Pension →
The St. Louis County police officer who pushed a CNN journalist on live television in Ferguson, Missouri, and was earlier suspended from duty after a videotape surfaced in which he threatened to “kill everybody,” has retired.
That’s a real billboard via .@dreamdefenders in FL where #TrayvonMartin & #JordanDavis were both gunned down by people who claimed FL’s #standyourground law cleared them of wrongdoing. Studies show this law primarily only benefits whites who kill blacks and claim self-defense. When Marissa Alexander, a black woman, fired a gunshot into the air to scare off her abusive husband, she was prosecuted & sentenced to 20 years.