loyola llothta

Johannes Mehserle.But he was out in less than a year
the owner of that pizza place was just on the channel 4 news crying...
said they been receiving death threats and someone was throwing molotovs at the resturaunt
This. Although his murder still sends a chill up my spine and angers me, the only good thing that came from it is black people are finally starting to wake up and realize white people view us as their enemy.
I'm certainly not trying to tell you how to feel, but in my opinion, this is a militarization of police, prison industrial complex issue that has been brewing for a long long time. Police deal with the "bottom of the barrel" in terms of people on a day to day basis and they form an "US" vs "THEM" mentality, hence the "I am darren wilson" bullshyt they tried to pull. I'm not saying there isn't a component of racism here (there DEFINITELY is) but police have been on this path for a long while. America's prison and justice system is so BEYOND fukkED. We got judges who are literally SELLING people to private prisons (this is just the one that happened to get caught)
The war on drugs has DESTROYED the relationship between the public and police officers. Now it's to the point where they assume everyone they deal with is a fukking criminal, ESPECIALLY if you're black. We have the Fraternal Order of Police that is fukking mind-bogglingly powerful.
Lets not act like all white people hate black people in this country, if that were true, there is no way in fukking hell Obama would've been elected, again please don't take my words the wrong way, I'm not trying to act like racism is dead just because we got a black fukking president, but if white people truly viewed blacks as their enemy there is literally no way he would've been voted into office. I see white people protesting alongside blacks in Ferguson which is awesome to me.
These violent, aggressive PIGS need to start being prosecuted for their fukking crimes like any other goddamn citizen, but that has yet to happen. I'm pretty sure the Attorney General has power to literally prosecute people himself or "take" cases from other states but our federal gov is too chicken shyt to do anything. The other problem is when we do take this shyt to trial, you can literally select a jury that will give you whatever outcome the defense desires, all you need is ONE juror to say not guilty and it's a fukking mistrial.
Something needs to be done about the police in this country, the mindset, the militarization of them, is beyond fukked. They have no connection to the community they supposedly serve. We need to increase the education requirements to be a police officer and we need to ENSURE the police force is made up of members of the community they actually police. Our politicians are fukking USELESS, the president hasn't done shyt.
fukk, I wish I heard about this earlier. I find how to make my way up there. Have ya'll seen how them muhfukkas out in Hong Kong came out and supported one another once the police started pulling the same shyt on them?
We need this kinda out pouring in Ferguson
We can do it, we just need to be on the same page and spread the word
i would say more scared than asleepI was at that cnn protest and honestly there were maybe a 3-400 people out there, and this is in a black city of millions. Black people collectively are still sound asleep man.
Mostly Black Cities, Mostly White City Halls
SEPT. 28, 2014
Cleveland Stroud, the only black Council member in Conyers, Ga., says whites have represented their changing constituency well. Credit Audra Melton for The New York Times
Since moving to this small city on the eastern flank of Atlanta’s suburban sprawl, Lorna Francis, a hairdresser and a single mother, has found a handsome brick house to rent on a well-groomed cul-de-sac. She has found a good public school for her teenage daughter.
Something Ms. Francis, who is black, has not found is time to register and vote. She was unaware that the most recent mayoral election was held last November.
“Life’s been busy — I’ve been trying to make that money,” Ms. Francis said one morning this month from her two-car garage, where she was micromanaging a particularly complex hairdo for a regular client. “And honestly, I only vote in major elections.”
That kind of disengagement is one of the many reasons that only one of the six elected positions in this municipality of 15,000 is held by an African-American, even as a wave of new black residents has radiated out from nearby Atlanta, creating a black majority here for the first time in the city’s 160-year history.
Disparities between the percentage of black residents and the number of black elected officials are facts of life in scores of American cities, particularly in the South. The unrest that followed the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., has emphasized how much local elections can matter, and prompted a push there for increased black voter participation.
The disparities result from many factors: voter apathy, especially in low-visibility local elections; the civic disconnect of a transient population; the low financial rewards and long hours demanded of local officeholders; and voting systems, including odd-year elections, that are often structured in a way that discourages broad interest in local races.
But Ferguson has become a vivid example of the way a history of political disengagement and underrepresentation can finally turn toxic.
“I have seen this time and again in my research,” Jessica L. Trounstine, a political scientist at the University of California, Merced, said in an email.
“The event/situation seems sudden — but really the stage was set long before.”
Whites and blacks tend to agree that the situation is less volatile in Conyers, though many blacks cite frustrations over interactions with the police. But even here, differences in voting between the city and the county that surround it speak vividly to some of the broader issues.
The chief operating officer of Conyers, David Spann, a veteran city employee who is white, said that many of the city’s minority newcomers have, like Ms. Francis, found homes in a local rental market that has exploded in part because of the foreclosure crisis. The city’s homeownership rate is 38 percent, compared with a 66 percent rate for Georgia as a whole.
“When you have rental people, this is nothing against them, but they’re not as involved in the community,” Mr. Spann said.
The lack of local representation on city councils can have deep consequences.
City councils are one of the easiest ways for community members to enter politics. The nation’s municipalities spend more than a trillion dollars a year, and city councils have much say in how that is spent.
And Ferguson, where blacks said they were the victims of a system that issued more arrest warrants per capita than any other city in Missouri, is a prime example of how local governments can have huge impacts on people’s lives.
According to the International City/County Council Management Association, among 340 American cities where more than 20 percent of the population is black, two had councils on which blacks were overrepresented compared with their population; 209 were within one seat of their population; and 129 underrepresented blacks by more than one seat.
In Conyers, not everyone considers the underrepresentation to be a problem.
Cleveland Stroud, the sole black member of the City Council, argues that whites have remained in power in part because they have represented their changing constituency well.
The chief operating officer of Conyers, David Spann, said that many of the city’s minority newcomers are renters and not as involved in the community.![]()
“Does a councilperson have to be black to represent black voters?” Mr. Stroud asked.
A number of blacks here said that they were generally pleased with city government. Eleanor Johnson, a 61-year-old chef, said that city officials were helpful to her as she set up her new restaurant, the Olde Town Bistro and Grill, in the historic downtown district. Today, she serves classic Southern cuisine — fried okra, baked chicken — to a clientele that is 85 percent white; she greets many of the customers by name.
“The only thing I can tell you is Conyers has been great to me,” she said.
White leaders here do not claim that the city, in a region where a half-century ago blacks had to drink from separate water fountains, has solved all of its racial problems. But they say that they are in fact an integrated community, particularly after a decade in which the black share of the city population shot from 33 percent to 57 percent. During the same time, whites dropped from 58 percent to 30 percent.
Still, a number of black residents here suspect that the city police tend to single them out because of their race. Demarco Hamm, 30, is a transportation supervisor at the county school district who typically drives to work in the pre-dawn darkness. Twice in the past year, he said, he has been stopped by white Conyers police officers, for what struck him as frivolous reasons.
But Mr. Hamm, a lifelong resident of Conyers, said he had not felt compelled to seek a remedy at the ballot box. He said that city elections, which are held here in odd years, separate from federal contests, are difficult to keep track of.
“It’s not broadcast,” he said. “It’s not like a presidential election.”
Voter turnout here tends to be low, and competitive black candidates have been scarce. The last citywide election, in November, attracted only 815 voters. Local elections officials do not quantify how many of those voters were minorities, but many here believe that blacks were probably more likely to stay home than whites.
In that race, Mr. Stroud and another Council incumbent ran unopposed, while the mayor, Randal S. Mills, handily defeated a black challenger who in 2009 pleaded guilty to a felony charge of theft by conversion.
Vince Evans, a 14-year Council veteran, said the city was full of black residents who would make great Council members. But few, he said, choose to run. “I don’t know why,” he said.
One theory is that many of the new black residents are working-class people who do not have the means or the time to run for office and serve on the Council. Members are paid $75 per month; white-collar professionals currently dominate.
Particularly among the poor, there is also a strain of fatalism. “This is the white man’s land,” said Vick Major, 22, who was on a run-down side street on a recent afternoon, with a pit bull straining on a nearby chain. “We stay out of everything.”
Eleanor Johnson said that city officials were helpful to her as she set up her new restaurant, the Olde Town Bistro and Grill, in the historic downtown district.![]()
But experts see institutional issues as well as personal ones. Professor Trounstine and Zoltan L. Hajnal, a professor of political science at the University of California, San Diego, who has written extensively about minority underrepresentation in politics, argue that moving local elections to even years, to coincide with federal elections, would help increase overall turnout, and increase representation of minorities on local governing bodies.
In Rockdale County, of which Conyers is a part, countywide elections are held in even years, and offer a compelling contrast with city politics. The county underwent a demographic shift similar to the city’s, with its share of black residents jumping from 18 percent to 46 percent between 2000 to 2010. The first black commissioners in county history were elected in 2008, most likely benefiting from the black turnout produced by Barack Obama’s first presidential bid.
In 2012, an all-black “Slate of Eight” candidates, all of them Democrats running against white Republicans, won most of the elected positions in county government. Before the election, a door-hanger was distributed with their faces prominently displayed, as well as the message “Support our President; Elect Rockdale Democrats on November 6th.”
One of the black commissioners, Oz Nesbitt Sr., recalled that in the 2008 election, a number of black residents tried to discourage him from running.
“They said: ‘Why are you doing this? You won’t win. They won’t vote for you. They won’t allow an African-American to be a commissioner of this county,’ ” he said. Eventually, Mr. Nesbitt said, a coalition of blacks and progressive-minded whites rallied around his candidacy.
In some quarters, however, whites openly worried about the ability of blacks to run things. After the 2012 election, Jonny Brown, a county board of elections member appointed by the local Republican Party, posted an online editorial comparing county government to a “little white plane” that took on more black paint over time and eventually crashed.
Professor Hajnal recommends changes in addition to even-year elections: adding partisan labels so voters have a better idea where candidates stand; having all council seats up for election at the same time rather than staggering them across two contests, so elections are more meaningful; and electing each council member by district instead of citywide.
An advisory panel convened by Georgia’s secretary of state found in 2012 that local elections would have greater overall voter turnout if moved to an even-numbered years, but warned that national races could “overshadow” the local ones.
Conyers officials have not considered changing the city’s election dates, Mr. Spann said. Council members are nonpartisan and elected by district.
Mr. Stroud, the black Conyers City Council member, said that no matter who was in office, some changes, like diversifying the city staff, could be slow going. Currently, 21 of the city’s 170 employees are black. But Mr. Stroud said that officials were not about to fire competent white workers just to get new black ones.
Diversifying the 60-officer police force has also been a slow process. Chief Gene Wilson said that despite overt efforts to recruit minority officers, he had been able to bring the number of black officers up only to eight, from three, in his five years in office. Chief Wilson said that it was hard to find good recruits, since qualified minority officers were in short supply, and in demand in so many other municipalities.
For now, a desire among blacks for more diversity in government has not been matched by efforts to achieve it.
In his modest rented townhome recently, Peter Vanderpool, 61, a Trinidad native of African descent, said that diversity could not happen without black participation in government affairs. “We’ve got a lot of young brothers out here, and they choose not to be in the police service,” he said.
Mr. Vanderpool also said that he did not vote in city elections. “To be very honest with you, I don’t know why,” he said. “I never paid any attention, really.”
i would say more scared than asleep
what did he think was going to happen by pulling guns on people and threatening them![]()
true we also REALLY need to create and control our own media to protect our imageReal talk breh, I told myself I'm gonna run for some local city positions after the MB situation. Black people really need to be at the seat in cities where we live, because these devils are trying to destroy us.
They really need to stop with that Molotov lie.![]()