the cac mamba
that dude should run for some kinda officeShaun King is inspiring. I'm proud of that brother.
hes been goin hard as fukk
that dude should run for some kinda officeShaun King is inspiring. I'm proud of that brother.
Boy Gives the Perfect Reaction to White Guy’s Comment During Ferguson Town Hall
PBS aired a town hall about race Friday featuring four hours of discussion in the wake of Michael Brown’s shooting by police and the ensuing protests in Ferguson, Mo.
While there were plenty of thoughtful points made, it’s hard to imagine a four-hour session on race in America sustaining itself without at least one really dumb comment. About 14 minutes in, our culprit was Ross Kaminsky, a columnist for the [right-wing]American Spectator.
Today in Solidarity (9.27.14): The Lost Voices campground since Mike Brown’s murder was ransacked by police… so petty.
Don’t know who the Lost Voices are yet? They’re the youth brigade on the frontlines of Ferguson, leading the fight for justice for Mike Brown. (Many of those tweets you see on my posts are from LV.) Yesterday, their campsite was raided without notice. These young leaders have been under constant attack from police since protests began, but yesterday was a clear intimidation move. Well guess what— Lost Voices will not be intimidated or stopped. Please make sure you’re showing them your love and support. Consider donating to their efforts today.
Watch the Police Forcefully Remove Peaceful Protesters There are few things that we think everyone should engage, and this is one of them. Simply put, you must watch this video of the police forcefully removing protesters. You absolutely must watch this 5 minute video now.
Lost Voices’ Belongings Taken by Police Lost Voices’ belongings and tents were taken by the Ferguson police today, from behind Ponderosa lot on West Florissant. Chief Jackson says they were warned about needing to vacate the premises, protesters did not agree with the actual dates. Members of the group were arrested on sight.
48 Days Later Ferguson Police Chief Jackson offered a recorded apology to Mike Brown Jr.’s mother and father on Thursday. The chief also came to the protests, and spent less than 30 seconds of walking with the people, when Ferguson PD attacked protesters on film.
Call for the Missouri Supreme Court to Intervene In this editorial by the Post-Dispatch, there is a clear call-to-action for the Missouri Supreme Court to begin to implement changes that address systemic and structural inequalities that have been highlighted in the wake of Ferguson. Must read.
DOJ Calls on STL Police to Prohibit “I Am Darren Wilson” Bracelets It is hard to believe that it is 2014.This is a direct link to the letter from the DOJ to Chief Jackson of the Ferguson Police Department with the notice to prohibit officers from wearing “I Am Darren Wilson” bracelets immediately.
The Ferguson Protests Aren’t Over If you need a recap on what’s happened in the last week or so, read this article now. Oh, and please do not ever say that rioting happened in Ferguson, because it hasn’t. Great read.
Reporters Reflect on Covering Ferguson In this succinct article, reporters reflect on their experiencescovering Ferguson. Short, sweet, and to the point.
Hip-Hop is Failing Us STL rapper and activist @TefPoe pens this commentary that situates the activism in Ferguson in the narrative of hip-hop and also laments the lack of response from the current hip-hop scene. Important read.
John Crawford Video It was announced that there was no indictment in the John Crawford case, and the chilling video of his murder was released. This is a re-post. If you have not watched this video, you must.
Protester Response to the Ferguson “Misconceptions” The City of Ferguson released an 18-point “Misconceptions” document earlier this week. This is the protester’s response to the “Misconceptions.”Must read.
The Demands Launched recently, this site is the platform for the Ferguson demands. It is a living list of demands and is open for you to add comments and suggestions that can inform the next iteration. Must engage.
Police Chief Marches with Protesters, More Arrests in FergusonMore protesters were arrested overnight as Chief Jackson temporarily marches with protesters. Must read.
Ferguson PR Consultant Previously Convicted of Reckless Homicide, Fired First, it was reported that Devin James (@devinjamesgroup), the PR consultant aiding Ferguson City Officials, was previously convicted of reckless homicide. Then it was reported that he had been fired, as his employer did not know of this conviction. Yes, this is real. Yes, you need to read these stories.
When Is It Legal for a Cop to Shoot You? In packed, yet concise sections, this articles lays out the circumstances and legal underpinnings of situations in which an officer is protecting in using deadly force Must read.
Civil Rights Leaders Request Federal Government to Intervene Key leaders of civil rights organizationsask the federal government intervene in the criminal investigation related to Mike Brown’s death, not just the civil rights investigation.
Use-Of-Force Report Not Found in Ferguson Here, it is noted that a use-of-force report is requiredaccording to Ferguson PD policy but no such report has surfaced in the killing of Michael Brown.Important read.
Protesters Lament AG Holder’s Resignation This short piece captures the reflections of Ferguson protesters on the recently announced resignation of AG Eric Holder.
Police Chief’s Sad Excuse for an Apology This NYTimes blog commentary captures the sentiment that many feel regarding the insincere and hollow “apology” offered by Ferguson Police Chief Jackson.Simple, powerful read.
Protesters Respond to 18-point Misconception Document On Monday, the City of Ferguson distributed an 18-point document detailing their understanding of “misconceptions” of Ferguson. Here, protesters respond point-by-point to the document. Important read.
John Crawford Video It was announced that there was no indictment in the John Crawford case, and the chilling video of his murder was released. Must read, must watch.
South Caroline Trooper Shoots Unarmed Man For Seatbelt Violation Dashcam video was recently released showing a South Carolina Trooper shooting an unarmed man for a seatbelt violation on Sept 4th. In this instance, the victim survives. Must read and watch this video.
The Demands Launched recently, this site is the platform for the Ferguson demands. It is a living list of demands and is open for you to add comments and suggestions that can inform the next iteration. Must engage.
Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop (9.27.14): Protesters in Ferguson took to the streets again last night, demanding justice for themselves, Mike Brown, and the many other black-brown lives taken through police brutality. This is community at its strongest.
all very good points...we have to organize NOW friends.
Brazil’s population is a third smaller than that of the US, but it has almost five times as many killings by police, and women are often the collateral damage of the drug wars that fuel this violence.
People in Brazil are fighting back, 50,000 strong. Thanks to Black Women of Brazil for their reporting on these incredible protests!