I was already done with America and Americans before, but this cinched it. I'm saving up my money so that I can get out of here in about three to five years.
If you're black in America, you are worthless. I know now that my life means nothing here. Every other group will shyt on you because they all uphold and enforce white supremacy and all the rules therein (the most important of them being to hate black people simply because you have black skin, period). This includes Asians, Mexicans, Indians...all of them. They don't give a flying fukk about you and deep down, they all admire and, in some cases, outright worship white people. Why do you think they come here in the first place? For a better life? Get real, they want to be around and worship white people. It's really us vs. the world, don't be fooled by wiggers and people who try to be "urban", deep down, they either despise you or are laughing at you. Being from St. Louis, I can confirm this is pretty much the case here. We're a very good example of what modern, racist, white-supremacist America looks like. The Michael Brown case makes this obvious.
They all tell you to pull yourself up by your own bootstraps, but when you do finally pull yourself up, they criticize you at every turn, simply because you're black. Anything you do to help yourself out they criticize and knock you down, all the while telling you not to complain about it, otherwise you're "playing the race card" or "being typical" or any of the other textbook bullshyt insults they hurl your way. Beyond all that, anything you do to help yourself is seen as a "handout" or "special treatment".
You can't win. Period. Done with this country and the people in it.
Traveling the world and then off to Cape Verde, for me.