Man, I don't remember ever hearing
"White Supremacy" being said so many times, on mainstream media

But, this Larry Elder dude. C'mon, dude really turning the conversation of racism into a policital scheme?
Did he really say the black middle class is thriving? That the justice system isn't racist? That there are plenty of legitmite reasons that blacks are arrested three times as much as whites, but are population difference is about 55% (15% v. 70%)?
Again, with the black on black crime deflection tactic? If we fix it, then, can we talk about Mike Brown? When are we gonna talk about white on white crime? When are we gonna talk about white poverty?
There's 40 million black people, in America...40 million white people live below the poverty.
I would provide source, but, Larry doesn't.
75% of murders in Chicago go unsolved?

Yes, that's the black communites fault. Didn't the city just cut funding to the CPD?
It hurts me to watch, but, sometime you watch have to watch the way other people seem to completely miss what's goin' on. And you need to watch for the tactics of the opposition.
Mike Brown Dad and his Stepdad are around, but, now the absence of black fathers is the issue?
Half of the homicides in this country are committed by black people? :wha: Really?
I'm glad Marc Hill got 'em, though.