That wasnt the questioni see his supporters holding up innocent until proven guilty signs but that only applies during arrest and trial...even his supporters believe he should be or will be arrested and tried...
That wasnt the questioni see his supporters holding up innocent until proven guilty signs but that only applies during arrest and trial...even his supporters believe he should be or will be arrested and tried...
you runined my day with this shyt.....
but I think mainly it's because hes a black young man - plus hyped up stories like this put the police in too much light.... which affects money.
The city of Ferguson's second-highest source of revenue is court fees and traffic tickets handed out by a majority white police force that disproportionately targets the black community.
Plus two billion in funds from PRisions in America..... these low resource areas end up with more prisoners even when the population goes down.
@biscuitsnbangers @tmonster
What's even more fukked up is that writer was supposed a black dude
edit: I just saw someone already pointed it out
You know what I am not even going to blame ol'boy for that article. I lay the blame on the Jewish owned New York Times for publishing it. For a "liberal" paper they are fond of publishing bullshyt like this. I guarantee you ol'boy wrote two articles, one that was maybe complimentary to Mike and the one that was published. They were like"publish this one, it is going to get alot of page hits with this".
Are they even looking for him is what I wanna knowThey haven't even found that slimey motherfukker.
Are they even looking for him is what I wanna know
They haven't even found that slimey motherfukker.
kind of hard to clean up your own community when it was structured to fail by its own federal government and white supremacy. all this dude has is the same tired talking points and no actual solutions.
Sharpton is a fukking con man. He'll never tell us who we truly are. Another pork chop pastor.
Yeah, he lost me with that respectability shyt...
that sounds like obstruction of justice...i bet the physical evidence of the shooting is all fukkd up...