Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

Tony D'Amato

It's all about the inches
May 1, 2012
from what i understand, theres protocol to their disciplinary actions depending on rank..
I hope someone in the media stay up on these cases. The lil fat cop that threatened to kill a white journalist in front of a camera should never be on duty again. If he talked to a kak like that in public, imagine the things he's said to black people :lupe:

Huey Shootin

Aug 15, 2014
I started out as a 19D and than became a 35F...But I was already a SSG when I re-classed.....At the lower levels your boots on ground but same as anything as you progress you get further away from the ground.

The main people putting together products or collecting are SPC and below...A SGT will check there product to make sure formatting is right and that they can explain what they are seeing....From that point an Assistant S2 Officer will review everything to prepare to brief the actual S2 Officer who will than brief the Commander....A Senior NCO is generally worried about Senior NCO stuff like making sure the section is running efficiently.

Higher levels the only thing that changes is the rank and experience of the analyst and the AS2, S2, and Cdr...

It can be an office job, or a field job....Officers to include warrants don't preform analyst...Some of the best analyst Ive ever ran across were Army SPC and Airforce SrA...The Best Intel Officers I ran across pretty much told his guys what directions to go in and backed off... Can be very stressful especially as a 35F because your getting multiple sources of intel...

I kind of wish I would of went Signint and picked up on a language but Im far past that point I don't have a choice anymore I can't even become a warrant without waivers.
Can you take this to another thread. Nobody cares about this and it is disrespectful to mike brown and the person who created this thread. Create another thread if you want to talk about this shyt. :camby:

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
The police brutalized protestors and shot tear gas into quiet neighborhoods and people are wondering why everything has "calmed down".. It's simple. The right to assemble was taken away with brute force. So my guess is about six weeks will go by and then we'll find out if the cac is charged. If he's not, I think everyone will head to the streets again and there will be bloodshed.

You're right...

I almost feel like the people are pissed & upset (rightfully so) but at the same time feel they need to see where this goes. If he's charged & goes to jail then there's no need for bloodshed or more destruction. But assuming he gets off or not even charged some of those people are going to lose it...

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
So let me get this straight...these white people are taking the murder of an unarmed teenager and turning themselves into victims because they are "unable to speak their minds"? You can't go to any corner of the Internet without seeing white people voice their support for Darren Wilson. Fox News has made it their mission to support Darren Wilson.
And this whole "I am Darren Wilson...we are all Darren Wilson" bullshyt just exposes this woman and all of the racist pieces of shyt at that rally and anyone who agrees with them for scum that they truly are.

Huey Shootin

Aug 15, 2014
So let me get this straight...these white people are taking the murder of an unarmed teenager and turning themselves into victims because they are "unable to speak their minds"? You can't go to any corner of the Internet without seeing white people voice their support for Darren Wilson. Fox News has made it their mission to support Darren Wilson.
And this whole "I am Darren Wilson...we are all Darren Wilson" bullshyt just exposes this woman and all of the racist pieces of shyt at that rally and anyone who agrees with them for scum that they truly are.

They believe they're victims. That's what I find so infuriating. These cacs whine as if they're the ones being persecuted, as if it's their children who are gunned down in the streets simply because they're black. They did the same thing after Trayvon Martin was killed. Our lives mean nothing to them; we're just nuisances in their eyes, people who should shut up and go to the back of the bus. Almost 70% of white America sides with Darren Wilson and believes the protests in Ferguson are wrong, according to a USA Today Poll. And I'm supposed to dump ice water over my head in support of a stupid fukking challenge initiated by some cac? :shaq2:

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
They believe they're victims. That's what I find so infuriating. These cacs whine as if they're the ones being persecuted, as if it's their children who are gunned down in the streets simply because they're black. They did the same thing after Trayvon Martin was killed. Our lives mean nothing to them; we're just nuisances in their eyes, people who should shut up and go to the back of the bus. Almost 70% of white America sides with Darren Wilson and believes the protests in Ferguson are wrong, according to a USA Today Poll. And I'm supposed to dump ice water over my head in support of a stupid fukking challenge initiated by some cac? :shaq2:

yeah...I never understand why all these schools like Harvard and yale come up with surveys about whites feeling oppressed with racism..lol

Im tryna figure who is oppressing them in their own white supremacist world.....jews?