**A Coli inspired news movement video podcast**
I want to first take the time out to
all yall in this thread for being on the cutting edge of the information flow regarding Michael Brown. This was quite a phenomenon to be a part of. The Coli is always ahead of the curve and I feel has a real finger on the pulse of current events, especially as it relates to the black experience in America and abroad.
I see a few brehs and brehettes want to start doing news and reporting. I want to help spark that rumbling and turn it to a roar. All of the tools to do so are out there, we just have to take the initiative and use them. Give us another voice, learn from each other, accomplish great things. Blossom and bloom from The Coli and in turn potentially provide more exposure for this site as well.
We'll start with a discussion on the Michael Brown murder on Google Hangout StatNot+ page. I along with another breh on here have been discussing this for a while now, and its time to pool together our talents to start covering issues from our perspective. You can even use your Coli avi's if it would make you more likely to join.
There can be up to 10 participants in a Hangout, and it can stream live on youtube for unlimited amount of guests and chat. If you want to be on the first panel, PM me and I will give you an invite. It's the same platform (I'm fairly sure) that the Vice Livestream was using. All you have to do is have a google+ account to participate. I scheduled the event for this Sunday, August 24th 2014, at 5pm EST. Link to event ---->
What we'll be discussing:
-Timeline of events, starting with the testimony of Dorian Johnson
-Witness testimony immediately after the shooting by the first few eyewitnesses including the series of tweets from twitter handle Bruh, Piaget Crenshaw, and Tiffany Mitchell
-The 911 calls.
-Share your police stories...I have a few
*Note* I already have an article that I wrote as a placeholder to see how it looks on my website, and we can use it as a template to add onto, refine, and disseminate. We will credit contributors /*Note*
Also, I'd like to discuss and document the police response immediately upon arrival of the crime scene, but separately from the shooting. It will be a separate article.
Finally, I'd like to cover how social media twitter, vine, and The Coli were on the tip of the spear of information flow, and dissemination. Media conglomerates, and national media were so far behind, and I think its important that we cover that because reporting as we know it is changing before our eyes, and we have to jump on that wave now, and evolve with it. It's OUR voice, and it won't be ignored any longer.
That's just the now though, other ideas are in the works, but I need anybody whose willing to start this journey with me to make it what it's supposed to be. We have all the tools at our disposal to do this, all we have to do is use them.