I watched this fight again last night. I watched it the night of on a stream, but watched a nice high def torrent link last night. Have to say, I thought Floyd looked exceptional considering his age, but agree that he did seem to be occupied elsewhere leading up to the fight. Something was eating at him, maybe the possibility of this fight flopping? Or maybe the man is just tired considering he's 37 and been in the fight/promotion game too long. Like pick one or the other, but doing both and carrying it on his shoulders might be wearing on him. Or maybe he's okey-dokin all of us and is saving the best for last a'la Money May? Still, I was impressed by his body work on Chino, who was definately feeling those shots.
Speaking of Chino, he looked a bit uninspired at various points in that fight. Even before Mayweather had to show him to his corner, he had mistakenly went in opposite directions of his corner. He looked confused and bewildered and i wondered at times if it was the bodywork. Still, I like the work Robert Garcia has done with him. People talked about Roach's work with Cotto, but he beat a man who was a shell of himself. Maidana on the other hand fooled Floyd a couple times. He was in expectation of that lead right and fainted and baited a Floyd a couple times and it worked once or twice that I can recall. He caught Floyd with those jabs more times than any other fighter I've ever seen. Still, there was something lacking in him, and I don't know what. Like the hunger wasn't there or something to me. Again, I think it was Floyd's bodywork that just slowed him down. His stamina is suspect too, dude was taking Blue Whale breaths in his corner by like the 3rd round. Floyd even at the 3/4 mark of the fight wasn't breathing like an asthmatic. Maidana looked like he was dealing with COPD.
That said, Floyd's performance could have been better, but considering his age, and the fact that he's still light years beyond the competition, I ain't complaining. I enjoyed watching the fight for a second time. Will say though, if Maidana sticks with Garcia, he's going to give some other people in the future some problems. Broner definately needs to forget about a rematch.