we lose money keeping him alive. we gain nothing keeping himi'm against murder
society gains nothing by him dying
if it was his folks who were murdered im sure hed be singing a different tunewe lose money keeping him alive. we gain nothing keeping him
why are you doing this
we lose money keeping him alive. we gain nothing keeping him
why are you doing this
if it was his folks who were murdered im sure hed be singing a different tune
breh talkin about repenting and changing his ways like he got caught stealing from walmart
dude killed 9 people in cold blood and this moron is entertaining the idea of reforming someone like that back into society
i lean left but the anti-death penalty crowd are some blowhards foreal
if he was Zimmerman then yeah we'd have to do something
but he'd be in jail living his days in a living hell
he's not free taunting people so what the hell will his death do? not a damn thing
Everyone doesn't think a life sentence is living hell.
who doesn't
and the worse part about it, is the amount of time it is
let him suffer irl, dying is too easy and too quick
What, you want me to name people? Do you support torture to make this that much more hellacious? You sound sadistic, honestly.
I will say though, that opponents to the death penalty often argue simultaneously the death penalty is cruel and unusual punishment - so we shouldn't do that, but that life imprisonment is worse than death- but this is ok, an that leaves me confused.
Maybe you can help me out?
not torture
and the i don't like the death penalty cause you should take something you can't re-create
fukk the cruelty, you die real quick anyway
Life imprisonment literally tears you apart emotionally and makes you TRULY pay for your "sins"
You cant give a jailed person their time back either. You should oppose jail by that logic. And you still sound sadistic.