Imma go off the top and keep it short
The benefits of the holocaust happening, are to apparent to be a coincidence i.e.
The creation of Israel in 1948, smack bang in the middle of the middle east. Which the Western governements, Western companies that controlled the oil industry etc etc knew would be VERY VERY valuable in years to come.
150+ billion of reperations has been handed to Israel by USA/ Germany since the holocaust. Take note the persecution us Stolen africans have endured and still endure to this day, and we haven't recieved a penny in reperations
Considering what Hitler "alledgedly" done to the Jews, they have turned around and done the EXACT same thing to the Palestinians there are concentration camps in Gaza as we speak
78% of what was Palestine is now Israel, these people are not feeble and unable to defend themselves as they'd like to think. And with that Reparations money, Israel now has the best Army in the world.
How do you think Israel were able to defeat Syria, Lebanon, Egypt at the same time all in 6 days. They got "backin" of a next kind
Concentration camps during WWII were not uncommon, USA had concentration camps for Japanese Citizens. I also hear it would take 30years to kill that amount of people with the methods the Nazi's supposedly used
Its no denying the holocaust is crammed down our throats, just go look at Netflix for further reference, and compare that to how many docus they have on the trans atlantic slave trade
Imho people did die in the Holocaust, not through systematic killing but by disease and starvation. Most of the images we've seen have been stagged by propaganda forces. Also I believe the numbers were inflated