I'd rather ubi not do that with Far Cry but I don't mind it with Assassins Creed. The last AC was damn near the best one in the series with 2 and Brotherhood.i smell annual releases on the horizon....this is ubisoft were talking about
I dont know if you meant this on some a$$hole shyt or real shyt...if only the goal was actually making a good game
had me reading a slide show
and i think story wise and atmosphere wise ... far cry 2 was better than 3 ... 3 obviously was better overall but the atmosphere in two was absolutely fantastic.
Disagree. I think FC2 was way better with the feeling of isolation, mixed in with the jungle sounds and music. The island just felt more dense like, "damn, where am I going from here" type feeling. Game had you on edge, unlike FC3.
People hated FC2 because it wasn't as accessible and wasn't linear, which is fine but I prefer the FC2 style.
I think alot of people respected FC2 ... its biggest flaw was the damn glitches dog.
And like .. riding through a checkpoint ... going about 1 mile .. turning around and going back through the same checkpoint and the shyt is repopulated with enemies ...
this got me reminiscing .. i really want far cry 2 style back with the experience of creating a better gaming experience they used for far cry 3. which i know you said you disagree with but you can't deny the polish.Yea the respawning was the games worst design decision