Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
He's taking care of another man's kid and somehow getting beat by Reed while he was literally a god. Thanos>>>>>>>>
Hell Kang is better lowkey![]()

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He's taking care of another man's kid and somehow getting beat by Reed while he was literally a god. Thanos>>>>>>>>
Hell Kang is better lowkey![]()
Thanos is back tho and still Thanos. Doom is Iron Man.
Again Thanos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dr Doomlittle
I mean.... he's not though just like most people used to think Kingpin was a Spiderman sole villain.... but now we see him pair with DD and Punisher with no Spiderman anywhere in sight.
Or Deathstroke being a Batman villain but now to the current gen he kinda got associate with Green Arrow... not everyone is up on the comics like that.. some see shyt in other mediums.
I'm sure it can easily be worked if need.
Plus they kinda played the Doom card up.
They had him in 3.... technically 4 movies straight. At this point even they need to step away from him for a bit
Thanos>>>>>>>>>>>>>>All them nikkasYou're a 3rd right..... DOOM is indeed Ironman..... but DOOM is Iron Man, Batman, AND Dr. Strange all at once.
Iron Suit with tech, Prep Time, Magic
Game Over
@R=G you wanna add anything to this?
deathsttroke is probably seen as more involved with the teen titans than arrow. and kingpin isnt the type of villain to spider man like the goblin is to him, or doom is to the 4. osborn would stab his own son to get back at spider man, and dooms greatest victory is that reed is indebted to him for saving valeria. having doom without without the 4 is like having namors first movie appearance being a panther villain. you could do that, but it wouldnt make any sense.
I dont know.... I guess with me kinda catching up on a lot of stories..... in recent I've came across more Dr. Doom shyt with barely to NO FF guys in sight
Hell awhile back I copped this Ironman and Dr. Doom book and I dont think Reed was mentioned one time in it
Matter fact I've seen more publications with not only him against other cats but him and his own devices more than I've seen of any other villain.
But I hear ya
doom has been spread out, no doubts about that, and hes almost always seen as a hard ass when heading off on the avengers or x-men, but he shows his vulnerabilities when it comes to the fantastic 4. from his treatment of valeria, to his personal need to shyt on reed and harass johnny and ben while not going as hard to sue, when he mentioned in secret wars 3 that he looked for reed everywhere(not knowing that a ton of reed were wiped out by celestials) to finally admitting to reed that his best wasnt good enough.
HeyUGuys then asked the actor how he thinks Fox stuffed the character up in their latest attempt at the franchise. Kebbell stated:
“Truth is, Doom is an incredible bad guy. They just keep trying to force him into the Fantastic Four. They just need to move it out because he smashes up Thor and Iron Man and they get wasted. Doom is a monster, but my Doom was not, so that is that.
This is the latest guy who played Dr Dooms take on the character
Nicca dont even wanna play Doom for them in another sequel