Faces of Africa


Jun 9, 2012
Fulani tribe | Benin

Looking like a mini Paul Pogba:obama:

I'd raise these little angels like they were my own :wow:

South Africa

My favorite distinguishing mark.

:dwillhuh: Is that how a true queen looks like?:feedme:

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May 16, 2012
AAs look like the Africans they descend from, west and central ones.

And while the pics r cool and showcase the african diversity, tbh west central and southern Africa is mostly comprised of the same ppl, the so called negro.

there are several pictures from west, central, and south africa. i think the pics here showcased almost every section of Africa, although I do agree most came from east africa (particularly Ethiopia and Kenya cause they have so many unique and distinct tribes there).

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)

Most people believe Africans have only ONE look and that they cannot vary in looks. I Many people think that there is only one TRUE African look or the 'True Negroid'. But is there a 'True Caucasoid'? Do you see the double standard? European can have many different looks, but the African people can't? Africans are the oldest people on this planet and from picture I posted, the continent of Africa is bigger than most countries and continents. So of course Africans will vary in looks, but of course people are denial of this. Even other people of African descent are ignorant about this.

Now I am not denying that certain looks can be due to mixture. I am not denying that at all. I know some African populations have admixture with non Africans. But to say the African diversity is SOLELY due to mixture with outside people is incorrect. It should be known that different environments, diets, climates,etc due in fact play a role in the diversity of different phenotype.
Environmental Effects on Gene Expression Phenotype Have Regional Biases in the Human Genome
Phenotypic Range of Gene Expression: Environmental Influence | Learn Science at Scitable

Again African is a continent with many climates/environments.

Africa is also the only continent with two temperate zones...

Again it shouldn't be surprised that Africans are the most diverse, since its been proven that they are the oldest human beings(homo sapiens).

Also it should be noted that light skinned or lighter toned(not to be confused with pale skin) Africans have been present all throughour the history of movement of peoples within the continent pre European incursions and the adaptations/mutations are already prevalent in people of African descent as a consequence of melanin deficiencies which cause the hair, the eyes and the skin color to loose pigmentation( this is not albinism by the way which is an extreme form of this mutation). This has been attributed to possible diet patterns or breeding patterns. Loose hair, curly hair, light skin, narrow noses or lighter hair are all native to Africa... This has already been proven.

Different region/climates around Africa, the people have different looks. But most still have a tropical body plan/hot adapted even in north Africa.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
As for skin tone it shouldn't be taboo that African posses the highest skin tine diversity:

Human skin color diversity is highest in sub-Sahara... [Hum Biol. 2000] - PubMed - NCBI

Human skin color diversity is highest in sub-Saharan African populations

"Previous studies of genetic and craniometric traits have found higher levels of within-population diversity in sub-Saharan Africa compared to other geographic regions. This study examines regional differences in within-population diversity of human skin color. Published data on skin reflectance were collected for 98 male samples from eight geographic regions: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, Europe, West Asia, Southwest Asia, South Asia, Australasia, and the New World. Regional differences in local within-population diversity were examined using two measures of variability: the sample variance and the sample coefficient of variation. For both measures, the average level of within-population diversity is higher in sub-Saharan Africa than in other geographic regions. This difference persists even after adjusting for a correlation between within-population diversity and distance from the equator. Though affected by natural selection, skin color variation shows the same pattern of higher African diversity as found with other traits."

it should be noted that wavy/loose hair(not be to confused with European type hair), narrow noses, lighter toned skin evolved in certain parts of Africa. Most people are ignorant of this...

Different features among Africans,
particularly EAST AFRICANS, like
narrow noses are not due to different
"race" mixes but are part of the built-in
physical diversity and variation of
African peoples.
Narrow noses appear in
the oldest African populations for
example, in Kenya's Gamble Cave
complex. East Africans like Somalians or
Kenyans do not need any outside race
"mix" or migration to make them look
the way they do:

".. all their features can be found in
several living populations of East Africa,
like the Tutsi of Rwanda and Burundi,
who are very dark skinned and differ
greatly from Europeans in a number of
body proportions.. There is every reason
to believe that they are ancestral to the
living 'Elongated East Africans'. Neither
of these populations, fossil and modern,
should be considered to be closely
related to the populations of Europe and
western Asia
.. In skin colour, the Tutsi
are darker than the Hutu, in the reverse
direction to that leading to the
caucasoids. Lip thickness provides a
similar case: on an average the lips of the
Tutsi are thicker than those of the Hutu."
[Jean Hiernaux, The People of Africa
(1975), pgs 42-43, 62-63)

"In sub-Saharan Africa, many
anthropological characters show a wide
range of population means or
frequencies. In some of them, the whole
world range is covered in the
sub-continent. Here live the shortest and
the tallest human populations, the one
with the highest and the one with the
lowest nose, the one with the thickest
and the one with the thinnest lips in the
In this area, the range of the
average nose widths covers 92 per cent
of the world range: only a narrow range
of extremely low means are absent from
the African record. Means for head
diameters cover about 80 per cent of the
world range; 60 per cent is the
corresponding value for a variable once
cherished by physical anthropologists,
the cephalic index, or ratio of the head
width to head length expressed as a
- Jean Hiernaux, "The People of Africa"
1975 p.53, 54

"....inhabitants of East Africa right on the
equator have appreciably longer,
narrower, and higher noses than people
in the Congo at the same latitude.
former generation of anthropologists
used to explain this paradox by invoking
an invasion by an itinerant "white"
population from the Mediterranean area,
although this solution raised more
problems than it solved since the East
Africans in question include some of the
blackest people in the world with
characteristically wooly hair and a body
build unique among the world's
populations for its extreme linearity and
... The relatively long noses of
East Africa become explicable then when
one realizes that much of the area is
extremely dry for parts of the year.
Loring Brace, "Nonracial Approach
Towards Human Diversity," cited in The
Concept of Race, Edited by Ashley
Montagu, The Free Press, 1980, pp.
135-136, 138)

"The role of tall, linearly built
populations in eastern Africa's prehistory
has always been debated. Traditionally,
they are viewed as late migrants into the
area. But as there is better
palaeoanthropological and linguistic
documentation for the earlier presence of
these populations than for any other
group in eastern Africa, it is far more
likely that they are indigenous eastern
Africans. ... prehistoric linear populations
show resemblances to both Upper
Pleistocene eastern African fossils and
present-day, non-Bantu-speaking groups
in eastern Africa
, with minor differences
stemming from changes in overall
robusticity of the dentition and skeleton.
This suggests a longstanding tradition of
linear populations in eastern Africa,
contributing to the indigenous
development of cultural and biological
diversity from the Pleistocene up to the
(L . A . SCHEPARTZ, "Who were the
later Pleistocene eastern Africans?" The
African Archaeological Review, 6
(1988), pp. 57- 72)

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)

Here is Sarah Tiskoff on adaptation...

And here is famed anthropologist S.O.Y Keita on African diversity.

Modern DNA studies find even though some African peoples look different, they are genetically related through the PN2 transition clade of the Y-chromosone. Thus light-skinned African Libyans and dark-skinned Zulus are all genetically related Africans ,even though they don't look exactly the same:
"But the Y-chromosome clade defined by the PN2 transition (PN2/M35, PN2/M2) shatters the boundaries of phenotypically defined races and true breeding populations across a great geographical expanse. African peoples with a range of skin colors, hair forms and physiognomies have substantial percentages of males whose Y chromosomes form closely related clades with each other, but not with others who are phenotypically similar. The individuals in the morphologically or geographically defined 'races' are not characterized by 'private' distinct lineages restricted to each of them." (S O Y Keita, R A Kittles, et al. "Conceptualizing human variation," Nature Genetics 36, S17 - S20 (2004)

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)


Tropical Africans have variation in body breadth in numerous ways:

a) Millennia of adaptation in the cool, monsoon-swept Sahara
when it was a lush greenbelt before its arid phase, AND millennia
of adaptation in the cool subtropical Medit zone of Egypt

b) Millennia as pioneers and operators advanced food production
and forms of agriculture.

These factors cover the bases. No "Mediterraneans"
or "Middle Easterners" are needed to give the natives
diversity in body mass. in addition Africa's built in diversity
also more than covers all bases:

(c) The vast built-in genetic diversity of Africa
home of modern humanity- with the most genetic diversity on the planet

(d) Continual movement of numerous variants and blends
of tropical African peoples and tribes out of the
Saharan zone, East Africa etc into the Nile Valley.
Mass influxes of "Middle Easterners" or bogus "Mediterraneans"
are not needed to give tropical Africans diversity.
Such outsiders were always present, particularly in the later
stages but did not significantly affect the fundamental,
overall core population for millennia.


Let me give you guys an example of tropically adapted Africans vs Cold Adapted Eurasians(Europeans/Western Asians):

These Igbo's are "light skinned" yet they are still indigenous tropically adapted:


A good portion of African Americans descent from Igbo's. Igbo's have a tendency to have lighter complexion. Does this now mean these African Americans aren't black? I even have heard some African Americans of lighter complexion state that they always have been light skinned, without admixture.

Then you have this....


Then we have cold adapted(European/West Asian).


Another example:

Tropical adapted Africans:



Cold adapted(non African):


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