Exposing pervasive Arab-on-black racism found in "abeed (slave)" Twitter search


Apr 30, 2012

I've played soccer against Arabs my whole life and nikkas physical dominate them. They are not athletic enough to fight with nikkas just like they are not athletic enough to play ball with nikkas. :mjlol:

lol @ that bullshyt tweet. Arabs might be even physically weaker Eurocacs.:russ: I've seen it mad times. They have no coordination when they fight. Only North Africans the ones with the hands and even then, they're not even genetically arabs.:laff:


Jun 4, 2012
Islam is just thinly veiled arab supremacy worship. The more arab you are =you are a better muslim according to a lot of people in the arab islamic world. Their supposed international inclusion is a joke and its a subtle tactic to infiltrate other countries, extend their domination overseas and destroy the native cultures of the people they infiltrate in order to put themselves as the standard in these same countries.

Its a hyprocritical religion for c00ns and arab supremacists to justify their hegemony over the world.
So your position is that Muhammad Ali, Malcolm X,
Even assata Shakur were c00ns and that

Even all the young black Muslims today that are putting in work for all black people are also c00ns.


Jun 4, 2012
lol @ that bullshyt tweet. Arabs might be even physically weaker Eurocacs.:russ: I've seen it mad times. They have no coordination when they fight. Only North Africans the ones with the hands and even then, they're not even genetically arabs.:laff:
Arab is not a race.

If a poster doesn't understand that then they shouldn't be speaking on this, smh.

Also, the first Arabs where of african decent and blacker that 100% of black Americans today so...

We are being confused because we equate white and Persian people who adapted to Islam as Arab.

This is like saying Anderson Silva is not black.
Jan 26, 2015
I know here in New York yall let them use that N'word though :mjpls:
:scust:first Hispanics, then Gwenyth Paltrow whom don't them nikkas give a pass to disrespect them to their face? the day a sand cac calls me the N word he get put to sleep then waterboarded in the toilet of his corner store.
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Apr 30, 2012
Arab is not a race.

If a poster doesn't understand that then they shouldn't be speaking on this, smh.

Also, the first Arabs where of african decent and blacker that 100% of black Americans today so...

We are being confused because we equate white and Persian people who adapted to Islam as Arab.

This is like saying Anderson Silva is not black.

that may be true for some but there is obvious strong arabial component in many North Africans
okay, I should have been specific and said Berbers and other Maghreb


Jun 4, 2012

Responses to my calling out the term ‘abeed’

Two months ago, I wrote an oped titled “Fellow humans are not abeed” for the Arab American News to address the usage of the term abeed, meaning slaves, used by many Arabs to describe black people. After receiving some positive feedback from some of my Arab-American friends, primarily in Metro Detroit, I decided to search Twitter for the usage of this term in varying transliterations (abeed, 3abeed, 3beed, 3bid, 3abid & 3abed). What I found was very casual usage of the term, almost exclusively from teenagers and young adults, who are Arab-Americans and appear to have been raised in the USA.

I decided at this point to not comment directly to those tweeps, but to merely tweet my article at them with the hopes that they read it and stop calling black people slaves. What I’ve experienced from doing this as well as later engaging some of these tweeps in the past two months continue to be four things.
The first is that some simply have not responded to the article when I sent it to them. Some continue to tweet in which I have not seen them tweet abeed again. Others have continued to use the slur.
The second response is that some have actually apologized for using the term. Of those, some of them also said that they didn’t know abeed meant slaves. They said that their families simple refer to all blacks as abeed. This is a deeper structural issue of racism among Arabs, primarily in the Levant, which I plan on writing about later.
The third response is that of defending the usage of the term abeed that we are all abeedullah (slaves of Allah), and that I should stop being so touchy. Of course, this is insincere because they don’t really view blacks as the best worshippers, nor do they call other Arabs with light skin including their own family abeed. Calling anyone slave is haram (forbidden) anyway according to the Qur’an and Sunnah.
The last of the responses has been horrendous, which involve cussing me out to calling me a slave.

Some Arab-Americans who joined me in calling out the usage of abeed themselves have even been attacked. One tactic of shame used is calling someone “abeed lover” like how white supremacists say “****** lover.”

An Arab American colleague of mine is in the planning stages of starting a national campaign to address not just this nomenclature issue, but the broader issue of anti-black racism among Arabs. Keep in mind that there are Arabs who have dark skin that would be considered black in the USA if looked upon strictly by physical characteristics.
In the interim, an Arab American friend of mine in Michigan has started the twitter account Arab AntiBlack Racism to call out anti-black racism among Arabs and to challenge fellow Arabs on Twitter not to be passive observers when seeing slurs hurled against blacks.
This issue is a race of the tortoise not the hare. There are deep roots of tribalism and colorism in the Arab world, which pre-date colonialism, were encouraged during colonialism and further solidified within many Arab Americans based upon America’s racial hierarchy.
I also keenly realize that if Muslims sincerely strive to effectively challenge Islamopobia, there needs to be a simultaneous effort to combat ethnic bigotry among Muslims. The Creator helps those who have spiritual integrity and authenticity. It’s not authentic to talk about Islamophobia and Arabophobia while being silent on its cancer-like manifestations among Muslims and Arabs. Also, this is not simply Arab on black racism that Muslims need to face. There is Somali on “Bantu” racism, black on white bigotry among some in Islamic centers, colorism between Pakistanis and Bengalis, etc.
Given, however, that the most overt discrimination that I see on Twitter is Arab on black racism and my personal interests as a black man, who has felt my share of anti-black racism in the heart of Arab America, Metro Detroit, I’m obliged to deal with this most entrenched form that I see. This is in no way an indictment on all Arab Americans. I do know, however, that this issue has been dealt with too passively for many years. Problems don’t fix themselves on their own as proof of the racism exhibited by those born and raised in the USA. I hope that my challenging it will push more Arab Americans to take more aggressive stands against anti-black racism.
I live in Detroit.

People hate and love black people everywhere, not just here.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
I'm still gonna fukk on ya arabian princess

you can stuff these broads heads with all the bullshyt propaganda you wanna
if you wanna know the truth just check those panties:jawalrus:

soon as ahmed and ahkbar ain't looking tyrone jerome and jamal sliding meat in her

the black man with a bankroll is gawd and feared by the xenophobic inbred fakkits of every nation on every continent

let me paint the whole world black:blessed:
awwwwww skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet motherfukker awwwwww skeet skeet gawddamn

X x x x x x
Jan 26, 2015
I'm still gonna fukk on ya arabian princess

you can stuff these broads heads with all the bullshyt propaganda you wanna
if you wanna know the truth just check those panties:jawalrus:

soon as ahmed and ahkbar ain't looking tyrone jerome and jamal sliding meat in her

the black man with a bankroll is gawd and feared by the xenophobic inbred fakkits of every nation on every continent

let me paint the whole world black:blessed:
awwwwww skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet skeet motherfukker awwwwww skeet skeet gawddamn

X x x x x x

this might be one of the reasons Habib and Jafar so threatened by us:ohhh:

French Teenagers Hate Each Other, and It's All Kim Kardashian's Fault
March 28, 2014
by Émilie Laystary


Kim Kardashian is considered the ultimate role model for French Muslim girls who like dating black boys.

Paris is burning, and it's all Kim Kardashian's fault. OK, that's an overstatement, but the city's suburbs have been torn apart lately because of Arab French girls who happen to date black guys and the Arab French bigots who slut-shame them for doing so.

Since we are dealing with teenagers, the full extent of the issue is displayed on social media: Scrolling through Facemook—a sort of Facebook within Facebook, with more than 70,000 members—I stumbled upon countless offensive posts by groups with names such as "Anti beurette à khel" ("No to Arab girls dating black guys") and "Les beurettes utilisent l’Islam pour justifier leurs débauches" (Arab girls use Islam to justify their debauchery).

Clicking through the groups' pages, I realized this has evolved into a sort of modern-day witch hunt: Girls' photos, names, and even phone numbers are posted on the groups' "Timelines," often with humiliating captions. These girls are criticized for drifting away from Muslim traditions and for using something called the "Bilal excuse"—Bilal was the only black companion of the Prophet Muhammad.


Girl on the left: "Bilal was black, you racists." Girl on the right: "As long as he’s Muslim, we can suck his dikk."

I called up my 32-year-old friend Haissam (whose name was changed to protect his identity), who works for a youth organization located in the northeastern suburbs of Paris. Naturally, he is quite upset to see young people fighting over such insanely inane matters.

VICE: Is this anger directed against Arab girls who are dating black guys a new phenomenon?
I don’t think I've ever come across anything like this. There has always been a rivalry between North African teenagers and black teenagers, but it was more like banter. We knew it wasn’t serious. Today, I see a lot of people insulting these girls.

What is their problem?
They are accusing those girls of wearing too much makeup, staying out late at night, drinking, smoking, and using Islam as an excuse to redeem themselves. They say that these girls go out with young black guys because they think North African boys are too narrow-minded and bossy. When Muslim girls are criticized by their older brothers for their behavior, they'll say things like "He may be black, but he is Muslim, so you can not judge us. Only Allah can judge us," and that makes the bigots even angrier.

Has celebrity culture affected that phenomenon in any way?
Yes. I often hear that these girls want mixed-race children because of celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It’s trendy to have a mixed-race family. I also hear that these girls are huge fans of Kim Kardashian, because she’s dating Kanye West, and black men are popular in France thanks to rap and hip-hop. Once, a girl told me she thought they were “more stylish.”


Caption reads: "This is now the favorite spot of Arab girls. I don’t know how their brothers and their parents can accept this."

What is the situation like on a daily basis?
If an Arab girl walks with a black boy, they will be pointed at and called names. Some Arab teenage boys see this as a betrayal. A few years back, the problem was Arab girls who dated French boys; they were accused of doing that only to Westernize themselves. Now it’s even worse, though. As this phenomenon is growing, you get black guys fighting back and going around saying stuff like ”We’ll make all your sisters pregnant, and tomorrow Arab boys won’t exist any more.” You can read this all over internet.

I feel that these Facebook groups make the situation even worse.
Yes, social networks exacerbate this phenomenon. It's obvious that it's reached the point of obsession for some, when you see all those pictures of "girls who have betrayed their people" splattered on feeds and Timelines. In real life, where I work, I come across a lot of young people who are completely OK with this situation.

It also appears that at the moment this is a French phenomenon. I don't think it has reached the rest of the world yet. But I’m afraid this will change.


Caption reads: "Arab girls think it’s OK to smoke hookah with black guys because Bilal was black."

How did it get this bad?
Because of these Facebook groups. At the beginning it was a bunch of angry, misinformed kids or insane people. But as time passes, they are joined by more and more people, including girls who have a grudge against "these Arab girls who do not respect themselves and bring shame to the community."

I also see people advising guys not to fall into the trap of Arab girls who say they want to settle down.
Yeah, because they think that black guys leave the girls once they’re pregnant. The girls become single moms and are accused of hiding their bad reputation to attract Arab boys as if nothing had happened. Again, this is pretty much a fantasy. But it's a fantasy that fuels a lot of hatred.

And as suburban teenagers are divided, inequality persists and nobody wins. It's a shytty situation. I keep trying to make the young people I work with understand that, but they ignore me. "You don’t understand, this is super serious," they tell me.


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
this might be one of the reasons Habib and Jafar so threatened by us:ohhh:

French Teenagers Hate Each Other, and It's All Kim Kardashian's Fault
March 28, 2014
by Émilie Laystary


Kim Kardashian is considered the ultimate role model for French Muslim girls who like dating black boys.

Paris is burning, and it's all Kim Kardashian's fault. OK, that's an overstatement, but the city's suburbs have been torn apart lately because of Arab French girls who happen to date black guys and the Arab French bigots who slut-shame them for doing so.

Since we are dealing with teenagers, the full extent of the issue is displayed on social media: Scrolling through Facemook—a sort of Facebook within Facebook, with more than 70,000 members—I stumbled upon countless offensive posts by groups with names such as "Anti beurette à khel" ("No to Arab girls dating black guys") and "Les beurettes utilisent l’Islam pour justifier leurs débauches" (Arab girls use Islam to justify their debauchery).

Clicking through the groups' pages, I realized this has evolved into a sort of modern-day witch hunt: Girls' photos, names, and even phone numbers are posted on the groups' "Timelines," often with humiliating captions. These girls are criticized for drifting away from Muslim traditions and for using something called the "Bilal excuse"—Bilal was the only black companion of the Prophet Muhammad.


Girl on the left: "Bilal was black, you racists." Girl on the right: "As long as he’s Muslim, we can suck his dikk."

I called up my 32-year-old friend Haissam (whose name was changed to protect his identity), who works for a youth organization located in the northeastern suburbs of Paris. Naturally, he is quite upset to see young people fighting over such insanely inane matters.

VICE: Is this anger directed against Arab girls who are dating black guys a new phenomenon?
I don’t think I've ever come across anything like this. There has always been a rivalry between North African teenagers and black teenagers, but it was more like banter. We knew it wasn’t serious. Today, I see a lot of people insulting these girls.

What is their problem?
They are accusing those girls of wearing too much makeup, staying out late at night, drinking, smoking, and using Islam as an excuse to redeem themselves. They say that these girls go out with young black guys because they think North African boys are too narrow-minded and bossy. When Muslim girls are criticized by their older brothers for their behavior, they'll say things like "He may be black, but he is Muslim, so you can not judge us. Only Allah can judge us," and that makes the bigots even angrier.

Has celebrity culture affected that phenomenon in any way?
Yes. I often hear that these girls want mixed-race children because of celebrities like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It’s trendy to have a mixed-race family. I also hear that these girls are huge fans of Kim Kardashian, because she’s dating Kanye West, and black men are popular in France thanks to rap and hip-hop. Once, a girl told me she thought they were “more stylish.”


Caption reads: "This is now the favorite spot of Arab girls. I don’t know how their brothers and their parents can accept this."

What is the situation like on a daily basis?
If an Arab girl walks with a black boy, they will be pointed at and called names. Some Arab teenage boys see this as a betrayal. A few years back, the problem was Arab girls who dated French boys; they were accused of doing that only to Westernize themselves. Now it’s even worse, though. As this phenomenon is growing, you get black guys fighting back and going around saying stuff like ”We’ll make all your sisters pregnant, and tomorrow Arab boys won’t exist any more.” You can read this all over internet.

I feel that these Facebook groups make the situation even worse.
Yes, social networks exacerbate this phenomenon. It's obvious that it's reached the point of obsession for some, when you see all those pictures of "girls who have betrayed their people" splattered on feeds and Timelines. In real life, where I work, I come across a lot of young people who are completely OK with this situation.

It also appears that at the moment this is a French phenomenon. I don't think it has reached the rest of the world yet. But I’m afraid this will change.


Caption reads: "Arab girls think it’s OK to smoke hookah with black guys because Bilal was black."

How did it get this bad?
Because of these Facebook groups. At the beginning it was a bunch of angry, misinformed kids or insane people. But as time passes, they are joined by more and more people, including girls who have a grudge against "these Arab girls who do not respect themselves and bring shame to the community."

I also see people advising guys not to fall into the trap of Arab girls who say they want to settle down.
Yeah, because they think that black guys leave the girls once they’re pregnant. The girls become single moms and are accused of hiding their bad reputation to attract Arab boys as if nothing had happened. Again, this is pretty much a fantasy. But it's a fantasy that fuels a lot of hatred.

And as suburban teenagers are divided, inequality persists and nobody wins. It's a shytty situation. I keep trying to make the young people I work with understand that, but they ignore me. "You don’t understand, this is super serious," they tell me.

competition is driven by male interests

target the $$$$$$ then target the females

:demonic:black jizz bombs equivalent to nukes
I put the color on ya grandbaby hate me now hoe:ahh:

:myman:healing and salvation for all the worlds ills in my ballsack

:sas2:who's on the frontline with me waging genetic/bedroom warfare¿

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