I have "nerdy" interests, which include MMA. Watch your mouth. And so what if I pick up an Arab bytch? I still hate them peoples. There's few on the Coli whom hate Arabs more than I do.
<blockquoteclass="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Arab Muslims trynastop culture appropriation but throw around the words "nikka" and "3abeed" like it's nothing. <a href="[a href="">April[/a] 27, 2014</a></blockquote> <script asyncsrc="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
The last point is kind of why I'm skeptical about other races in our company. Sometimes when they speak their native tongue I wonder if they're using it to slur us.They're use to using that word. Notice how they don't have the balls to call AAs the equivalent.
I wish they did call us that in english...see how many of them would be laid the fukk out.
Just because other groups of blacks let them use it and slide, we're not them.
Which is another reason I could give 2 shyts about Arabs getting that work by Israel.
Funny how people can always talk shyt about someone outside of the language they understand...tell tale sign of a p*ssy.
Islam is just thinly veiled arab supremacy worship. The more arab you are =you are a better muslim according to a lot of people in the arab islamic world. Their supposed international inclusion is a joke and its a subtle tactic to infiltrate other countries, extend their domination overseas and destroy the native cultures of the people they infiltrate in order to put themselves as the standard in these same countries.
Its a hyprocritical religion for c00ns and arab supremacists to justify their hegemony over the world.
Seems like black people are always a topic of discussion on the minds of others...wow.Everybody hates god. But god loves everyone.
a few camel jockeys showing their true colors doesn't equal everyone having a vendetta against us breh...this shouldn't come much as a surprise to any black person whom has interacted with them regularly it's just a lot of nikkas overlook or excuse ayrab racism cause they will take any type of white validation they can get..even off white sand cac refugees from Gaza are regarded higher than other blacks in the minds of many slave minded fetch its...this further feeds into there s sense of superiority.Who doesn't hate black people though? Everyone does...even black people.
This social media era is sad AF....
Whenever i hear about Arabs/Jews killing each other it brings a smile to my face