Sex tourism is repulsive.....You are taking advantage of third world conditions and extreme poverty to have sex with women who have few options in life, and are often trafficked, beaten, raped. it's sick. The wealthy do the same, like Epstein, and that Dr. from that indictment in 2015, with Senator Mendendez, was flying in underage girls from the DR too.
Friends of mine are lightweight into this, though they play like they aren't.
They aren't direct about it, but I know what's up, it's not solely for hookers and sex tourism, but they for sure participate.
I know there are women in Colombia, and elsewhere that would tempt me, but I just have to think how I'll feel after, and what I am actually participating in. I'm not saying I've been able to have casual sex in every country or trip I've been on, but I barely try, and I've been approached by women, every time, so I would play it like that, no shame in NOT getting a hooker.