You take every disagreement personally, for some reason.
Tone policing and running with the "you always" route don't advance anyone's position, breh. Perhaps you don't like the aggressiveness I bring to my positions, but if you make unsourced global claims as if they were delivered truths then I'm gonna come back with strength and receipts.
My siblings and friends are college educators and social workers,,so it's not a matter of you posting multiple links to show me research that I've likely heard about, attended seminars, and read from my people. Some of it is above my level of comprehension, obviously, but I've been exposed to a lot of it over the years.
"You disagree because you don't have an MSW" is a juelz, Rhakim.
I'm not sure if you even understood my argument. The links were entirely separate from my statement that you didn't know what you were talking about when you claimed that "Parents teach children the lesson of repercussions for actions by administering punishment" as if it were a delivered truth and the only way. By your own statement you seem to think that spanking, giving timeouts, withholding privileges, verbal abuse, etc. are the only ways to teach a kid right and wrong. Since that has been so thoroughly rejected by numerous strains of modern parenting, it suggested to me that you weren't even familiar with the trends.
Again, this is separate from the discussion about beating specifically. This is about your unjustified claim that "some" form of punishment is necessary for parents to enforce boundaries and teach discipline.
The issue wasn't that you disagreed. The issue was that you didn't even acknowlege that parenting outside of timeouts/verbal punishment/spanking and other punishments was possible. Whether or not you think other ways are better, they clearly exist.

Punishment and Reward
How would it work to make requests of our children, without punishment or coercion even as last resorts?

Why Punishment Doesn't Work and What Does
Surely we have to punish our kids? If we don't, they will become spoiled brats right? Wrong. This is probably one of the biggest misconceptions in parenting. Psychologists over the years haven't helped with this belief. The focus of behaviour change in the past, has been on rewards and...

Why Punishment Doesn’t Work | Evolutionary Parenting | Where History And Science Meet Parenting

I'm expressing my personal opinion. which was disagreeing with your statement.
I'm disagreeing with your personal opinion that spanking is helpful. I gave receipts, you haven't given anything to counter that other than some vague unsourced inference that inmates end up in prison cause they weren't beat enough.
I'm also disagreeing with your insistence that all parents are punishing, which wasn't stated as an opinion and ignores an entire movement in parenting.
I think I remember you mentioning that you worked with the incarcerated before.
What is the figure for the % of inmates who grew up without a father present in the household? How many of them could have benefited from the male parent being in the household to bolster and enforce family rules and discipline? To give words of encouragement when necessary and to dole out punishment/correction when necessary.
Rules and discipline are not the same as punishment, as the above links show, and certainly not the same as physical punishment. I literally wrote my master's thesis on kids who didn't have fathers in the home, and never once did it cross my mind, "If these kids only had a man around to beat them then they would be doing much better." In fact, fwiw if you have ever lived in any sort of hood with a lot of struggling mothers around you'd know a lot of them beat their kids a ton, not to any benefit. Missing a father in your life is full of disadvantages for a young boy but not getting beat enough is not among them.