It's a shame hamster vanished. There was a classic power rangers thread from like 09 re-living all of the fukkery, and I was dropping a ton of knowledge about the show and its filming.
A little bit: It seems some people in this thread don't know that the action scenes in Power Rangers are from the Japanese show Super Sentai. They can only work with what Sentai footage they have to work into a show for American audiences. They DO film some action shyt here, but it's easy to tell. Especially when it involves the Green Ranger. When he has the high quality chest plate, Sentai. The foam one? U.S.
In the Sentai show, the Green and Red rangers are long lost brothers and the green ranger eventually dies. The Green and White ranger are not the same person. They weren't going to be the same in the U.S., either. The dude who was the leader in VR Troopers was originally supposed to be the White Ranger while Jason David Frank was going to VR Troopers, but the Tommy character was so fukking popular they switched.
My favorite green ranger moment comes in the first episode of the Green With Evil series.
Dude casually jumps about 8 stories into the sky, runs up in the megazord with all the rangers like

and punches the fukk out of the yellow ranger RIGHT IN HER shyt.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 1x17 Green With Evil Part 1 Out of Control - YouTube