everything's always been old school simple life fact & alan mathison turing etc. & quasimodo disneys the hunchback of notre dame can stone talk?


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
People who don’t care what I have to say will just have to find out or learn everything’s always been old school the difficult way like I did when I was 26-27. Again when I was 26 in late 2021 I found this maryville school website article talking about Alan turing and that’s how I found out that everything’s always been old school aka the life fact. But I didn’t start spreading the life fact that everything’s always been old school until early 2022. If people don’t care what I have to say that is your free will again and I know what I am talking about again. Again I have good intentions or I am real obviously and not fake or not taking advantage of people. At this point if you still don’t get what I am saying like me talking about digital or computer stuff being around since world war 2 or the 1940’s and it’s the same algorithm or digital tech since the 1940’s or ww2 and that it’s old school obviously then you are just dumb I am not sorry for saying that or you just don’t care what I have to say or you lack common sense. Why do I even have to bring up the simple examples of algorithms or watching looking away from online videos. This life fact is not obvious to some people of course. As of now It’s frustrating that many people don’t know this life fact obviously. But I did hope that everybody will have know this life fact by now before 2023. At this point if people still don’t get what I am saying then I feel like giving up and as frustrating as it is but I still won’t give up. If people don’t care what I have to say or won’t help me with getting a job or going t Princeton etc like I asked before then I guess I will do nothing with my life and that is my free will. I guess for instance I won’t even get dreads I just won’t do anything for myself or for my life. It’s also frustrating that yet another forum banned me, anandtech forums banned me saying I am not a good fit for the forum when all I was simply doing was talking about the life fact that everything’s always been old school spreading this life fact and all that I have been saying. I did nothing wrong and I didn’t deserve this ban. These forums or websites or people that ban me better unban me I am tired of this or again I outta sue them. These people banning me are annoying me now this is negative attention seeking at this point. It’s always something. It’s so annoying. This is not funny. It seems hopeless some people will never know tis life fact. Again most people understand what I mean by everything’s always been old school and all I have been simply saying. Obviously my real friend Elliott Peyton who filed my videos gets what I am saying. A guy in my comments on my YouTube gets what I am saying. I will just simply say I was an idiot just like the people who don’t get what I am saying in the sense that I was ignorant or dumb but I believe idiot also can mean being a douchebag and again words or languages are old school, I like the word idiot obviously but maybe I like it too much I said shut up idiots so many times when I was younger before I knew this life fact but anyway I was an idiot like other people for not seeing this life fact everything’s always been old school or aka the life fact for short again when I was a kid.

I bring up many great points or important things about life etc or talking about life and my life sharing my life story that real people can relate to. I am sure real people are like thank you ken for bringing that up I can totally relate to this. So again that is why I care to be simple, real, and smart and again I am simple and smart and real and that’s why I bring up great points. I encourage people or I would appreciate it if people read all my messages whether you care to read them on my Facebook or Tumblr or on my YouTube videos brief summary in the youtube description box or in the comments. Even though most of my messages are very long but it’s your free will again whether my messages are long or short which some are short so people have free will in life to let’s say not care for what people have to say. They say you have so many thoughts good or bad in your brain in 1 day I forget the exact number but anyway I talk about a ton of great points or things such as me turning 28 almost 30 years old in 2023 time flies and 30 years isn’t a long time but it’s a long time if were talking about let’s say a 30 year old car. Again modernizing or evolving or generations is old school. Nothing is new school. Everything has always been old school or retro or antique or vintage etc. Again In other words the idea of something like the idea of modernizing or evolving is old school or has been around a very long time obviously. The idea of entertainment or music has been around a very long time or is old school. The modern computer or digital or computers were invented in world war 2 or in the 1940’s. 50 years for instance is a pretty long time it rounds to 100 years or a century simple math. I was born in 1995 and life is short, the closer I get to 30 the older I get and realize I will be 40 before I know it or 50 before I know it and its only 10 or 20 years away and goes by quick, life is weird, life is difficult etc but I am still young but they say age is just a number but we all age and aging or dying is a part of life and of course it’s scary and again controversial stuff spiritual or religion aside there is no proven fact what the after life is like. Is it a dark void you feel nothing? Again it’s your free will to even believe in what you want to believe in. Again we do know you can’t bring anything with you when you die like nothing you learned like languages and it’s sad your life is cut short like if you are an infant or kid. But since I haven’t done much in my life like never had a job I feel old or it’s too old to for instance get your first job ever at 25,26,27,28,29 because that is damn near 30 if you round and care to do simple math again and wishing if I knew what I know now about everything’s always been old school or the life fact for short my life would be different in a better way to me and again I would have done more stuff in my life by now like travel across the Usa outside the Usa like Greece or live in cities like Chicago or LA I’ve never been to these places in my life yet or I would of gotten a 1st job ever in my life and buy my 1st truck or motorcycle or muscle car analog stuff of course again and me still being a virgin forever is no big deal.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Again Sex isn’t everything and my theory is females are based off males. In other words females are not special and yet we are all human at the same time. Again if I knew the life fact everything’s always been old school when I was a kid I wouldn’t have cared to have sex and stay a virgin forever or not care to be a stud. Why are us males turned on by females when they could be based off males? Their ass and feet for instance is the same as males. Sex is weird in a good and bad way. STDs or STIs are no fun. Everybody except asexuals has cheating thoughts . I will remain a virgin forever, No born again virgin bs again and never kissed any humans mouth either and I talk about people having free will to let’s say not pro create and me not wanting to pro create or stay a virgin forever and adopt kids because everything’s always been old school aka life fact again or in other words life is difficult so I’m like why should I bring kids in this world? I talk about life purpose or meaning of life and you only live once 1 life and again controversial stuff aside but again people have free will to do nothing or something with their life, etc just so many great points or things I talk about. I appreciate it if people care to read my posts and take their time out of their day. So again please read all my messages if you care to. So for the past couple of weeks or for a while I have been meaning to say so much and there is still so much I wanna say or I have many great points I wanna say that I forgot to mention certain things. Most of what I wanna say now I have been thinking of for a couple weeks or the past year. I made some spelling mistakes in my long messages such as misspelling the word hostels when I typed hostiles. Some names like waneda were misspelled to just waned because of the annoying auto correct again. Damn you Alan turing for this digital world again lol. Again I am human what else can I say. So instead of updating the long messages over and over again I will just make a new post like this. Again If you care to read my long messages you can use the find on page feature to find where I talk about let’s say my theory of females being based off males. I encourage you to read my entire messages obviously but it’s your free will again but I’m simply saying if you can’t remember where I typed something you can use the find feature. Well again I will say thanks to Alan turing 1 positive of this digital world is it makes things easier to use like this find feature compared to analog stuff. But again nothing is perfect and there are negatives with digital stuff that would make you wanna use analog stuff. I don’t know why I though updating the same 20 paragraph long messages was a good idea. People don’t have time to read 20 paragraphs over and over again. I am an idiot for that I apologize and I am human what else can I say. So These messages right here are shorter tan the 20 paragraph messages and I simply made them into short paragraphs only like 11 short paragraphs so again no verbal diarrhea or no nonsense no rambling like some people call it for whatever reason. Also if I repeat the same things or repeat myself I can do that by mistake or intentionally because I just simply want to reiterate or make sure my great point gets across or that you remember what or I say better understand me. I won’t mention every single thing I have said in my 20 paragraph long messages so again if you care to read them please do so I encourage you to read them. I like to simply summarize what I have been saying. So here we go,

So one of the things I want to mention is this,

Anyway here are other things I want to mention such as that it’s not humanly possible to let’s say to have sex with 8 billion people earth population or let’s say be real friends with billions of people. 1st of all There are too many real people and of course everybody is not your real friend. Again I believe there are more real people than fake and evil people. Again 8 billion is an unbelievable number mind boggling, overpopulation much? How people are able to count that many people is beyond me. You must be really great at math. I mentioned my novel before and in my novel I wrote about cartoon characters or video game character rayman or gayman as I call him and he has sex with billions of people since he is immortal lol and it will take him forever to do it.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Anyway It is possible to spread the life fact that everything’s always been old school. Shoutouts to more real people like waneda or is it Juanita, sorry if I misspell it. Shoutouts to Ms.Maria and her family from my childhood neighborhood where I lived in my parents big house. I realized I do have asian real friends from my past such as ms. Maria and her family her sons Tristian I believe his name is. Again I wish I knew everything’s always been old school aka the life fact again when I was a kid I would of had more of a social life and not care to use or be addicted to digital or computer stuff and socialize more. Again I lost touch with a lot of real friends or real people and real people come and go in life , oh well. I would know how to make real friends and know who is a fake friend. I would have not gotten lazy or by distracted by computers or digital stuff and done my school work or homework and gotten better grades. Again anything can be distracting or addicting including analog stuff you can be lazy from analog stuff. Again I would have gone into Princeton by now if I knew the life fact and again nobody is perfect but I can still simply get into Princeton. Shoutouts to Benjamin a real friend from high school he and other kids who got me into biggie smalls music. I feel embarrassed that I slapped kids in school but at the same time I don’t regret that happening because it was funny and weird in a good way. But I apologize to Chris Hodges for ratting him out telling the principal he started the slapping game. See I was afraid I was gonna get in trouble and I was embarrassed I slapped kids in the face. I was afraid it was going to ruin my reputation like getting into a school like Princeton. Again we are all imperfect humans we all got something to hide and if Princeton people want to judge me that is their free will just know you are imperfect or got something to hide yourself. People even have free will to be rats but I regret being a rat in my life obviously. Again I plan to raise my adopted kids with physical discipline and take them to public school so that they can socialize and make sure they respect or listen to me and make sure they do their homework. Private school can be expensive so I don’t know about that. But again my free will. See again as kids you can have free will to not listen but kids or teens don’t have as much free will as adults. Kids have no free will or choice when it comes to going to the flawed school system or you could home school them but again it’s you free will as parents. But you have no free will as a kid to choose not to do anything or not do some kind of school or home school work. Kids gotta be educated but again free will of parents so some kids never get educated. Again I will remain a virgin forever and adopt kids raise them with physical discipline and again not bring kids in this world because again of the life fact aka everything’s always been old school. Shoutouts to more real people such as mrs. Romeo my elementary school teacher. Shoutouts to Mrs.Fontana my teacher and peer leader group teacher from high school. I remember seeing ms. Fontana outside of high school at golden corral when I was like 19-20. Again food is life I care to say. Shoutouts to Katy I think that’s your name my student tutor from freehold township high school in my junior year. Again Not great with names sorry. Shoutouts to mr. Cooper my business teacher senior year. Now obviously if I knew the life fact when I was younger I wouldn’t take classes that involve digital or Computer stuff and not use computers to type but again by then If I knew the life fact as a kid we would be living in a world with analog and digital stuff. I again will still associate with real people who care about digital or computer stuff even though I am not interested in it and if only I met or known real friends or real people like rich masucci or marques brownlee or mr. beast or simon richards in person when I was younger like a kid without using digital stuff. Of course looking at an online video does not mean you are using digital stuff. As long as you don’t use or touch it. Other masculine stuff or physically demanding stuff I wanna do is be a firefighter etc. Again I thank those who serve or cate to contribute to society or work hard in the corrupt system like firefighters. Money keeps the corrupt system going round and round. I understand why some people don’t wanna work because they don’t like the corrupt system and I understand where they are coming from and that is their free will. Some people can’t work because they can’t physically work and they can’t get ssd or social security. Billy my real friend last time I heard he had difficult time getting ssd. Hopefully he has it now but I won’t be surprised if he still doesn’t have it. I will be surprised that people have free will to do good and again I don’t expect much because of the life fact. Again life is unfair or difficult or won’t aways go your way life is imperfect. It’s always something in life or some problem but what do ya expect again because of the life fact aka everything’s always been old school. Again I wanna do so much in my life but I can only do so much or what is humanely possible. Other analog things that have become computerized or digital such as toys, audio like speakers, batteries, electricity or electric outlets, lamps or homes becoming smart etc. The Chick fil a founder was anti gay and I don’t support people or businesses who I dislike obviously. No chick fil a for me ever. Shoutouts to my real friends xavia, Kesha, Nicole all are from dc or the dmv area. Shoutouts to my real friend Xavier from middle school. Shoutouts to mike and Joshua Samuel. A lot of my real friends or other real people have better beards than me. I still got no beard game. Again My beard game is wack and patchy. Again whatever is cool to people it’s your free will but I love using slang words. It can be funny when myself or other real people say the n word n**ga sometimes. Don’t worry again I censor swear or offensive words so to the idiots who are still offended when I censored the words please don’t be offended I censored the words simply and I am not really saying the word but hey it’s your free will again but it does not make sense. Also again I don’t understand for the life of me for instance why people think the words crap or damn or hell etc are offensive or bad words. But again it’s your free will. Anyway Shoutouts to Nate my gay real friend.
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All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Again I have been spreading the life fact since 2022 and ever since then or since I posted my messages or videos online in 2022 about this life fact it has not gotten a whole lot of recognition or awareness compared to less important things like mr. beast or t series ninja pewdiepie etc. I like that name mr.beast it’s a simple name great name cool name I guess that is also why he is so popular and simplicity or simplifying things is great I am simple again. The earth keeps spinning same thing another day or night or year. Life is the same or old school again. Again it’s the same thing another year which is mostly negative because the same negativity and evil always happens. Before I knew the life fact Myself and other people continued to think or actually thought positive things such as digital or computer stuff can change the world for the better or stop evil or negative things once and for all. Man I am embarrassed and I am sure other people are as well. I am an idiot again just like other people. Myself and other people saw evil or negative things happen and continued to believe positive things or being positive can change the world for the better or stop evil or negative things. Myself and other people still cared about digital or computer stuff or positive things . I even saw for instance trolls or haters bullies etc disliking or dislike bombing videos like toy story videos. I feel selfish that I didn’t realize this life fact when I was younger and that I didn’t care to see the life fact or big picture didn’t care to help people. Again you can’t always be positive in life obviously that is people being real not fake. I was hoping for 2022 to have more so much recognition and I don’t care about New Years or resolutions. Again people have free will to care what they wanna or need to do or free will to let’s say change for the better or do resolutions or have free will to be the same no change for the better you change for the worse. Years are old school again or resolutions are old school. Holidays are old school and I can go on and on again.

So anyway I am disappointed and frustrated obviously and I was hoping to get a whole lot of recognition by now like before 2023 or before my 28th birthday February 6th like mr.beast’s video that has 400 million views that is plenty of people to spread the word or life fact. Again I am angry or dislike that I feel forced to spread my message digitally instead of analog. I obviously don’t care about subs or likes whatever. If only my viewership or recognition was analog. I just simply care that people watch my videos if they care to with their free will and spread the message or share the video. If I can get views like that that would be really great and it would be enough to spread the word to the 8 billion people on earth. Again obviously people have free will and the more and more people know this life fact more and more people will use analog stuff but again not telling or forcing people to use analog stuff. It’s your free will again if you want to use digital or computer stuff. But again I know there are real people like me or a whole lot of people young or old who only use analog stuff. Digital and analog stuff is meant for all ages kid or adult obviously and everything’s always been old school again or the life fact for short again. Again people have free will with let’s say use whatever analog stuff you wanna use like tapes or you wanna use records instead. I rather use analog audio speakers that sound just as good or better than let’s say a digital or computerized phone with great speakers such as the htc one m8 which I have used digital stuff like the m8 before I knew the life fact of course oh well. Again evolving or modernizing is old school so people say in computer years something can be old like the htc one m8 in computer years is old but again evolving is old school. Years or math is old school and remember the life fact everything’s always been old school and remember or think simply of the fun fact again that digital or modern computers were invented in world war 2 or in the 1940’s.

So people have free will with even using digital stuff however they want to or whatever digital stuff you wanna use it can be using a htc one m8 or a lg watch style or iPhone 3g or blackberry from 2008 or an iPad Pro 2016 or linux or Ubuntu or MacBook Pro 2012 or windows or Chromebook etc. Which the htc one m8 for instance is still a modern computer like modern computers being around since ww2 again and the htc one m8 is not that slow, these companies want your money in the corrupt system and purposely slow down your computer or digital device or it’s poorly optimized. Analog stuff can be slowed down or be purposely made to break easily. Of course since everything’s always been old school money is even involved in computers or digital stuff and you see what money makes people do it is the root of all evil again. The htc one m8 is not that old well not in computer years but again years are old school ya da ya da ya da or you wanna use an old or a slow computer from 1995 or use older digital stuff like an old tablet or old desktop or old laptop or old tv or old gaming system from 1970. So you don’t even have to go to certain website for instance like eBay. People don’t even have to engage in watching rich masucci aka rich of review digital tech when everything’s always been old school usa as I call him lol whatever again I prefer to review analog tech. Even the idea of reviewing is old school. Reviewing food or drinks or edibles is old school. Food is old school. Ideas are old school or Inventing is old school. Again I can go on and on. Shoutouts to rich again by the way. Anyway It’s interesting how the weirdest videos whether a good weird or bad weird get more popularity or recognition than more important things like my videos or messages. Well again all of us humans are weird creatures in a good or bad way. We are interested in good or bad weird things. This life fact is important again obviously. Again I do prefer sharing my messages analog style or in person and I feel forced to use digital stuff when I dislike that and I know digital stuff is easier to reach more people. I prefer using analog stuff simple stuff such as analog note taking or reminders or journaling to helps with time management and my memory obviously, analog calendars, or analog white boards, which I do currently have and I have yet to get an analog alarm clock etc.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Is everything a joke to fake people like trolls ? Trolls haters fake people bullies etc have too much time on their hands but hey that’s their free will to do nothing with their life or what they wanna do with their life or time. I care to say that you can take life seriously but not too seriously. People making sexual humor or vulgar humor is funny to me even though I am not interested in having sex. But again sex isn’t everything and you can make those jokes or talk vulgar when appropriate so for instance teens and adults are usually mature enough to understand a sexual joke. Rich masucci makes gay jokes or talks about men or he likes to say the word man a lot he is funny and weird in a good way again. He says man or men in a funny or weird way in a good way. Rich is not gay by the way but maybe he is not making gay jokes again because sex isn’t everything because everything’s always been old school and he is just saying that a man such as Gabe Newell is good looking and has a beard and says that is a man right there no homo. Nothing wrong with being gay and again gay people understand my theory of females being based off females I am sure. I was exposed to vulgar stuff like vulgar media or movies etc when I was 12-13. Is 12 years old too young to date or have sex or know about sex well I guess so but how I will raise my adopted kids is I will be a cool dad and I will protect my son and daughter from associating or dating fake or evil people and again keeping my theory of females being based off males. I will let my kids date in middle school when they are 12-13 sure and by then puberty has started for them so it’s a great time for them to have sex or do it. Again people have free will to let’s say raise their kids how they want to. Again I want a boy and a girl and I want adopted kids to be infants not adopt kids that are older. Obviously just because myself or other people laugh or like sexual humor doesn’t mean you care or want to have sex. If people care to be the next Alan turing that is their free will again but again I don’t care to be the next Alan turing or I don’t care to be a computer or digital guy anymore and I don’t care to work in the digital field or IT field. Any job that involves using digital stuff I dislike that but this is a digital world for now but pretty soon again we can have analog and digital in the same world. If Alan turing was alive today well most likely he would’t be alive in the 2010s but if he were alive today I wish he knew the life fact or maybe it was obvious to him and he will see how his digital world has changed the world for the better or for worse and all the negativity and evil still happening and again will always happen because again everything’s always been old school or aka the life fact for short again. Evil people or fake people or people that do negative things are aware of the life fact or aware of Alan turing and they see digital or computer stuff is old school and continue to do evil and negative stuff. Real people or non fake non evil people like myself see that cool stuff like digital or computer stuff being invented in world war 2 is old school. There is 1 person who claims to have already known the life fact before I talked about it so to the people who already knew this life fact why didn’t you share it to the world like I am doing? That is selfish. It would have helped me greatly when I was a kid. Again I know the life fact helps people understand life better simply. I care to help people obviously, but just because real people care to help other people doesn’t mean they care to change the world for the better. You can just care to help people in little ways like helping hungry or homeless people in your local area not big ways like the whole world or stoping evil or negative things once and for all which again is impossible because of the life fact. Some people even have free will to be homeless or hungry. Again I won’t make the big effort to change the world for the better anymore like I used to make vlogs or mature life videos as I called them trying to change the world for the better and again because everything’s always been old school or the life fact again for short it’s impossible to change the world for the better. So again I blew it not knowing the fact when I was a kid. If I was 10 years old or old enough to understand the life fact and knew this fact I would get more recognition. The younger the better. Again there is no life handbook or instruction manual so I had to find out the life fact the difficult way. If I was in my early 20’s like 22 then that would beget still really young. If only I knew the fact when I was let’s say in my early mid 20’s like 23 but of course since I didn’t know the life fact when I was 23-24 in 2018 2019 I posted rambling stuff or stuff that made no sense and obsessed with Disney hunchback movie. Don’t get me wrong great movie if you care to see it again your free will but I was so obsessed with it in a good weird way and bad weird way. I had too much time on my hands. Again I just wasted time and my life not knowing or talking about the life fact. I I had known the life fact when I was younger I for instance would obviously still have ssi or supplemental security income for my autism only and no mental health issues and again most people like the 3 medical professionals say I don’t have mental health issues. You can obviously get ssi for other things not just mental health. So I care to be grateful again and I am grateful but again I dislike having autism and I wish I was taller and didn’t have autism again. I wish to be tall like 6”4 not too tall. I wish I had 20/20 vision again and I look dweeby or I just feel I don’t look the same or as great with glasses on. The stereotypes of geeks or nerds or dweebs dorks whatever. Not all dweebs are into digital or computer stuff obviously like me. Not all dweebs wear glasses or teeth braces or dress wack either. I am an analog dweeb. But again whatever is cool or swag to you it’s your free will. I care to be smart, simple, and real again. I am smart, real, and simple again and I like to use simple words for instance not fancy words all the time. Having autism is again good and bad. It’s a blessing and a curse and some people will hate you for being different whether it’s a good weird or bad weird. Again If I were neurotypical I would still discover and talk about everything’s always been old school obviously. Obviously autistic people and neurotypical people understand what I mean by everything’s always been old school. It’s also not always about autism. Some people just don’t like to socialize or people are introverts doesn’t mean they have autism. Shoutouts to Debra Vines with her autism program the answer inc. Again I am very high function so I don’t necessarily need to go to an autism program but I am sure I can benefit from it somehow learn something new about autism. Again I am 5”8 and that is not short but it’s not tall either. When I get older I will shrink and I will be short again like 5”6 5”5 and people say average height is 5”7 for males and 5”4 for females I believe maybe I am wrong. By the way keeping my theory in mind again about females being based off males. I used to think when I was younger like 16 17 that females were just like us males or we are all human. But I didn’t simply think of the theory again that the female body is just the male body modified. So for instance my fake mom is not special obviously. I respect my real dad more than my fake mom after all she has done to me as I mentioned before in my long messages and shows she is a fake mom. So again Frank from the ymca my real friend and his fund raiser if only it were an analog fund raiser and my real friend Ashley’s and her dad’s online carpet business called value carpet online which if only it were analog. Frank told me about the hostel and he went to a hostel and airbnb because of his cancer losing his job so he has a fund raiser so if you care to help him please do so. This is the life of frank from the ymca.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
My mom wouldn’t pay for a hostel for me since she is my payee for my ssi which is a problem. I got the payee crap because they felt I had mental health issues and thought I can’t handle my own money. Again I will be my own payee and I am very high function with autism and I am smart I know how to budget or handle be responsible with money. shoutouts to a plumber I met when I was 22 who exposed me to Dave Matthews band. Shoutouts to my brother Tyler’s real friends Chris and nick. I like anime cartoons or manga as a person of color. Shoutouts to josh my real friend from dc we watched avengers movie together hanging out. Shoutouts to Danny a real friend I met from dc twin station. Shoutouts to a cool dude noah summers representing the dmv area. Shoutouts to the trans male person I can’t remember your name who said I look like Sidney poitier. One thing I wanna say is Noah smacked punched the living hell out of this same trans male guy in the face for talking s**t or talking when not necessary. What I am simply trying to say is just because people talk when not necessary or talk s**t or take it out on somebody does not always mean you are a fake person or mean or a bully or hater etc. Maybe simply a person is having a bad day and you say mean things or talk s**t or not In a great mood so you take it out on somebody. Again we are imperfect as humans we make mistakes. Also Criticizing people does not always mean you are fake or mean as well. You like to just simply give positive feedback or negative feedback or you care to be real. Shoutouts to real people from the dmv area such as Mac, Michelle rechon, ms.zeda, and war veteran I met at dc police station I think your name is mike. shoutouts to a guy his name is louisiana representing dc and silo representing philly. Shoutouts to Jake macwhorter from high school. Shoutouts to mike the new owner of my parents big house. Shoutouts to Kevin yet another real friendly guy I lost touch with who got me into metal hate breed music and me being a person of color I like metal. Again I dislike stereotypes. I again don’t care for health or mental health. Again to the idiots who care about mental health or think I have mental health issues or think I ramble or always think it’s about mental health which again you are totally wrong and it is annoying but again it’s your free will to think how you want to. I again don’t care about mental health now that I know the life fact. Again it’s not always about health or mental health. I can go on and on but let’s say for instance venting or journaling or coloring or relaxing or being moody or sad or talking about life or your life or motivating yourself etc is not always about mental health or therapy obviously. I eat apples or drink water but that does not mean I care for health obviously. I like the taste of apples and if water was the only drink around I would drink it because I am simply thirsty. I don’t care for a healthy routine obviously. So I brush my sort of bestiality mouth when I feel like it or shower when I feel like it or if I smell bad or my breath stinks and that obviously doesn’t have to do with health I just simply want to smell better. Yes I sort of did bestiality when I was a kid as I talked about in my long messages. It’s my darkest dirty little secret and of course dirty little secrets can be anything not just sex, again sex isn’t everything in life. Again don’t expect much because everything’s always been old school or don’t think having sex or dating or pro creating or being positive or caring about let’s say digital stuff or mental health or health is going to change the world for the better because again people have free will to do anything like free will to do evil or negative things and everything’s always been old school. Free will again is good and bad obviously. In other words simply life is difficult because everything’s always been old school or people do evil or negative things or because everything’s always been old school. People can do whatever they want to do as long as it’s not hurting yourself or others but again people have free will to do negative things and evil things. Again you can’t beg or force people to do what they don’t wanna do but you can have free will to force or beg people but still you can’t force or beg people. In other words as I have said before people have consent or free will but sadly people have free will do to evil and not care about consent. You can simply say no or no thank you no I am not interested don’t care for it but sadly sometimes that doesn’t work. Again keeping my theory in mind that females being based off males again. No human deserves to be taken advantage of. It’s just like forcing gay people or asexuals to pro create. Some gay people or asexuals pro create like some lesbians or bi sexuals trans etc. But most gay people don’t pro create. But I am sure some gay people do wish they could pro create but again your free will if you want to simply pro create. Also sadly miscarriages or some people can’t pro create at all like my aunt Nicole. Again keeping my theory of females based off males in mind.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Please don’t say kenny come on man sex is where it’s at and Kenny you gotta pro create to keep the human species alive. Oh Kenny you gotta care about health. Again people have free will so I will simply say no to all of that. Don’t force me to do anything with any human like don’t force me to kiss any humans mouth or don’t force me to have sex or pro create or don’t force digital or computers or don’t force health or mental health on me please. If people talk about health or mental health or digital tech I won’t care for it just like an online video or tv ads or analog media on my analog tv talking about health or mental health or digital tech I will not watch it or turn it off but ever since I am using digital stuff now to spread this message I have been watching digital stuff or online videos and of course I have been looking away from the video while it’s playing as I have explained why people look away from online videos while It’s playing whether you are relaxing watching a video obviously I explained this in my online videos on YouTube etc titled everything’s always been old school videos if you care to watch them. So even though again I don’t like being forced to use digital stuff and I prefer analog stuff. I again prefer analog stuff simply because of the life fact aka everything’s always been old school obviously. Again phones are a need but phones don’t need to be digital or computerized but that is how I feel because of the life fact. Also again you can say people have free will or in other words that everybody is different yet we are all human at the same time interesting weird in a good way or bad way. We all prefer something different. Obviously everybody doesn’t have to be interested or like something or everybody doesn’t have to do what you do or say what you say or or think how you think or people don’t have to like or be interested in something that you like such as sports or certain sports like basketball. I can go on and on about free will. Everything’s always been old school and free will it’s that simple. I again care to say don’t be afraid to be a good weird or be a good different and again who cares what society says again and again what is normal? Again all of us humans are weird creatures in a good weird or bad weird or in other words again the human body is weird in a good and bad way. Even if you are not blood or a real friend I care to say you are just like family. Shoutouts to Abdoula again Abdoula will save the day as my uncle chuck says that makes me smile shoutouts to you again. Shoutouts to Abdul’s sister in law Fabatu I believe that’s how you spell it and his family. Again I don’t regret meeting Abdul or Abdoul I misspelled his name before sorry But I don’t regret meeting Abdoul and the supervision he provides in my apartment doesn’t bother me anymore and again things don’t bother me as much or not at all now that I know the life fact and that life is unfair etc. What does bother me though as I said before is I have too much supervision or too many hours. Shoutouts to Avery from jack and Jill and his family. Shoutouts to all my real family members such as my younger cousins Clarence and Melia and aunt Melinda or my step relatives Ryan and Megan and not the fake relatives of course. I can do so many more shoutouts but again that would take forever, it’s a little overwhelming for me there are so many real people in this world again. I need a break. I need the time to reflect or look back at my life and again I wish I knew this life fact when I was a kid and again I am embarrassed that I didn’t know the life fact and I dedicated my life or cared about something old school such as digital or computer stuff. Hopefully this will be the last time I have to post because I have been typing or saying so much. I believe I have said enough now.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
I know this is a lot of posts but I wasn't able to fit it all in one post so again if you care to read my posts please do so I encourage you to read them.


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
Again if people care to read my comments in my youtube videos please so. Or you can read my tumblr or facebook if you care to. I can't fit the entire post here.

Again I rather use analog stuff or spread my message in person but since this is a digital world for now then I will use digital stuff. I don’t even know why I am doing this using digital stuff to spread my message and why even bother since there are people who don’t care what I have to say then I obviously have free will just like other people to not care or not be interested in what you have to say. Whether people talk in person analog or digitally ,which I prefer analog again, so whether people talk in real life or analog I won’t care what you have to say unless you agree or talk about everything’s always been old school life fact and Alan turing then I’m interested. Yes I know there are people who do get what I am saying or care what I have to say but again there are still people who don't.



All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA



All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
some idiots or imperfect humans think its complex or difficult to understand e.a.b.o.s but maybe it is complex they are right, not!! I oughta sue smack fake idiot ass weirdos. it's not complex but even some real humans not just fake or evil thinks it's complex well again it's not complex for me to not care to watch or care what you have to say. I & many people look away from anything that's so cool or gets your attention like while in middle of playing video games etc you look away from it wow so simple. everybody has to know everything's always been old school ok hope all is well but again I don't expect much


All Star
Jan 16, 2017
New Jersey USA
is that a challenge? hah I'll say that to idiot ass ni**as. damn man talk about not knowing everything's always been old school am I right? I care to help real people, fight fire with fire I again don't care for digital, followers,likes or subs obviously & I'm not special I can't stop free will good or bad again. not always about me. but you are welcome to all real humans thanks I hope all is well. again I'm usually better with faces not great with names in real life analog humans are good/bad weird with names or passwords for clubs like boogie2988 etc before digital

on ign forums somebody had a huey freeman avatar. I like huey & tom sarah jasmin. but other characters like riley or rob or uncle ruckus or robert or gin or ed jr sr thugnificent I don't like them but I get laugh out of them idiot cartoons. ruckus is as dark as a damn solar eclipse or what rob said damn idiots & thugnificent man that's dark humour but I like his hairstyle that's like an afro with bands right. for instance kanye is a real human & idiot that I get laugh out of so again not always about mental health but he is doing really weird things in a bad way but good. fake humans like alex jones can't stand bit I can get laugh out of him with his idiotic voice. kanye or ye means something in africa but it's cool name & again my step great uncle jon looks like ye with dreads & is taller than ye & he owns waffle house. it's not great to look like ye now of course embarrassing oh well.

anyway free will again or everybody's different of course & most people like let's say nas I like that song no ideas original or one love with q tip I like tribe but I hate phife whatever he was abusive to fe"males" I don't know how I didn't realize that before but oh well.

I also don't like let's say the rock or snl for awful pedo stuff & dr dre abused fe"males" and mark whalburg was racist ripped eyeballs I oughta whip marks eye out hah whip marks get it & whip even bill cosby raping fe"males" I'll whip him like rob freeman physical discipline boondocks hah I'll learn martial arts again like I did as a teen. racist white people say people of color like native americans look like poop but white folks look like white bird poop hah them damn r**ards take that. well y'all have a great day hopefully you know.