Nah AK needs to be there because the differences between him and joe with both their ego is what makes this show exactly what hip hop did not have before (Youtube, radio, tv). The problem is the lack of direction (probably keeps the show real/fresh not orchestrated). With Hot 97/Breakfast club hosts, they don't have much differences amongst one another so their crowd isn't from both sides of hip hop fans.
Both Joe and AK are too stubborn to listen to music that isn't their taste so these kind of episodes will continue. What they need to do is drop that friday show, the interviews ain't the same without Joe, Ak is not charlamagne (or have his tactics to generate buzz like Joe has shown with artist or the public) and he needs to realize that and find his strength when interviewing artist.
Krit really dropped some facts about why why artist still sign. When you are producing an album, taking a few months to record you are paying your engineer, producer, recording studio, after hours when the artist isn't there and engineer is still fixing the song up. Paying homies, going out - doing all of that with no money management, no guaranteed contract like the NBA, so that 2m you thought would last forever was easily spent in a year. Rappers/musicians do not have enough or understanding to find industry middleman who can prompt up the budget to produce music, how to efficiently tour where you are profitable, marketing etc. Most artist don't have the 100k-500k to release an album, begin a tour, pay the bill forward before not signing.
I honestly feel like some of y'all that want a career in the music field need to start looking at that route. What service can you provide the artist and bridge the gap between label and easing the process of an independent artist.