"He may have invaded my mind and my body but theres one thing a Saiyan always keeps, his pride"
Saiyan pride that Kakarot knew nothing about..and Kakarot's c00n self was the biggest enemy against that pride
That's my prince of all saiyans

"He may have invaded my mind and my body but theres one thing a Saiyan always keeps, his pride"
Saiyan pride that Kakarot knew nothing about..and Kakarot's c00n self was the biggest enemy against that pride
the creator of DBZ wanted to kill off Vegeta very early in the series but he was too popular.begged for his life when Krillin..........Krillin was about to kill him [let that sink in]
cried when he was beaten by Frieza......let that sink in
flat out to refused to fight Broly because he was scared........let that sink in
in Battle of the Gods straight threw on the cape for Bills because as a kid he saw Bills literally sat in his father's throne eating his food with his foot on his fathers back.....let that sink in
lets be real, the only black on that show was mr popo and he was a sambo.
He was a genie not a human lolpopo wasn't black he was hindu
nikkas really sayin Vegeta was better than Goku.
Vegeta was NEVER better than Goku. Vegeta was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Everything he had was handed down to him by his father.
Goku ain't have no royal blood line. His father was a low level soldier. He wasn't born with the gift like Vegeta was. Everything Goku achieved he did through hard work and dedication. Goku had to train and scrape and claw his whole life for what Vegeta was given the day he was born... and he STILL whooped this nikka's ass when the two of them first met.
Vegeta had like a 20 year head start on dude too. Even got so desperate he had used that full moon trick so he could transform into a giant
. nikka didn't even have his dignity left. Goku took that from him too.
The reason Vegeta always took the L was because he was selfish and prideful. nikka thought he was owed the world on a silver platter. Meanwhile Goku understood that in order to get what you want you have to WORK for it. Everytime Goku was met with a challenge he took the means necessary to overcome it, and when faced with a new obstacle he took his lumps like a man and worked on getting better. Meanwhile every time Vegeta started to lose he proceeded tolike a bytch and actin all flabbergasted at the idea that someone out there might be better than him.
Vegeta always felt he had somethin to prove, not only to himself but to everyone else. It's what always held him back. He wanted to be the best but he wanted you to know it too.
Goku didn't care. He just loved the challenge. His reward was the fight not the victory.
The reason Goku was always able to go above and beyond is because he fought out of selflessness. He fought to protect and help others. When Vegeta fought it's because he wanted to stroke his own ego.
Even at the end of the series Vegeta saw the lightand understood that he was never Kakarot's equal, and when it was time to take care of Buu he had to watch Goku save the world from the bench.
Goku is the character you fatherless mufukkas should be looking up to, not crybaby Vegeta.
why do you say that? turban? arabs wear turbans & africans wear turbans cuz of the heat, muslims (imams) wear them, and so do sikhs. maybe if he had a red dot. im not going to admonish you but...popo wasn't black he was hindu
magic carpet bruh, also indians are just as darkwhy do you say that? turban? arabs wear turbans & africans wear turbans cuz of the heat, muslims (imams) wear them, and so do sikhs. maybe if he had a red dot. im not going to admonish you but...
magic carpet is from arab mythology/pantheon hindus are no where near as dark as the sudanese ppl who are also known to wear turbans. look at those bright red lips and big white eyes. this is japanese racism. another example is the pokemon jinx, a big black woman with big red lips, big butt/breasts, long blonde weave. she is an african witch and moves in a rhythmic dancing motion. im not saying they had malicious intent but its just their humor. how can you deny it? I say once again arabs came up with magic carpets and the darkest indians have nothing on sudani
I've meet some people from india and some hindu people who were blacker than wesley snipes but had straight hair
they come in all different shades like black people they just have straight hair
I've meet some people from india and some hindu people who were blacker than wesley snipes but had straight hair
they come in all different shades like black people they just have straight hair
i dont know how to post pics, but look at my post comprehensively man. notice the big red lips on popo and his big bright white eyes. are you familiar with sambo caricatures? minstrels? he resembles one greatly. as i said, japanese have a history of this. look at the pokemon jynx. It is a big fat black woman with a big butt and breasts, big red lips and big bright eyes. the name is a reference to being jinxed aka cursed, something female african witch doctors are known for. Jynx also moves in a rhythmic dancing motion. before you reply to this please type in Mr.Popo, Jynx Pokemon, and Sambo on google images so you may see the correlation. I'm not saying dark Hindus dont exist but popo is not a hindu, they would have made him brown not black as a million midnights. If he were hindu or indian he would probably have a moustache not a cleanshaven face that many africans are known for. also, if he is indian, its more likely that he is sikh than hindu (although hindu is not a religious term and actually means indu/indian) what does straight hair have to do with anything?
kal el is a c00n
in that arc earth aka the united states and pretty much started an unjusitifed war on new krypton on some invading iraq shyt. while the kryptonians were on their way to eradicate earth, earthlings temporarily turned the sun red and all the kryptonians died in space. after witnessing the total destruction of his people the only thing c00n el does is give up his united states citizenship