there are no pros to the situation. if you think guys live dirty, you should try living with a female, they're hella dirty too and for no good reason. if anything you should avoid having sexual relations with a female you live with if she isn't your girl already. it's drama waiting to happen...
Back in collegio... would visit some female friends that were from back home.
All i remember was how messy the place was. And since four girls lived there (whom all had long hair)... there were loose strands were everywhere!!!
It looked like someone had a lifetime suppy of colored dental floss, swallowed it, got extremely shiitfaced and regurgitated it throughout the floor.
No wonder why their vacuum would always clog up.
Go in their bathroom and almost mistaken a brush for an extra large roll of thread.
But man, one of the chicks fukked up by frequently leaving the hamper in the bathroom.
*one of the few times he'll use a pic smiley*
*takes whiff soiled pair of Vickies*