My argument is salaries have been stagnated since the 80's. Last time we had this much inequality we had the great depression.
Since the 80's salary growth has remained relatively flat, this is what needs to be addressed.
When I graduated in 2005 from pharmacy school, Walgreens was starting pharmacist at $92,500 a year.
CVS just recently bought out Eckerds, and they were started pharmacist at $107,000 a year. Guess what Walgreens did? They increased pharmacist salary to 107k.
And of course we know all about similiar pay bumps engineers, computer programmers, and IT have seen. Even some blue collar workers seen pay bumps. But most of the middle class salary growth has remained flat.
Even if companies decide a 5 year plan to increase wages, it would be some type of progress. At this point we need solutions, not rhetoric or philosophical/moral analysis of Mr. Scrooge's altruism.