Ethiopian-born Israeli lawmaker spurned at blood-collection drive

Apr 30, 2012
so why u say this will be a future tactic by generations of ethiopians?
are they gluttons for punishment?

Well since we are dealing with humans, we could predict certain responses from similar situations, and apply it elsewhere. Though certain variables may differ, but the responses are similar. Meaning, folks will try to do what it takes to avoid mistreatment by striving for some form of integration
As in rich and poor. Poor folks tend to fake/exaggerate/lie about what tax bracket to avoid the stigma of being poor
Black folks are trying to claim every possible ethnic name, other than black, to distant themselves from the stereotypes of "typical" black folks
It's not just a black and white thing


Jul 17, 2013
17 Dec 2013
adl, apartheid, asa, human rights, israel, palestine, united states
by Clark Kent

5000 Prominent US Scholars Vote To Boycott Israel

A powerful group of US scholars has voted to launch an academic boycott of Israeli colleges and universities. With a membership in the thousands, the group has become the largest academic collective to protest Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.

The American Studies Association (ASA) announced Monday that its nearly 5,000 members voted in favor of the boycott by a 2-to-1 margin on Sunday night. A total of 1,252 members voted on the issue, with 66 percent voting ‘yes’ and 30 percent voting ‘no.’ Three percent abstained from voting altogether.

The boycott calls on US schools and academic research groups to end all work with Israeli groups. It does allow individual Israeli scholars to still attend conferences and speak at American universities, as long as they do not do so in any official capacity of the government.

“The resolution is in solidarity with scholars and students deprived of their academic freedom, and it aspires to enlarge that freedom for all, including Palestinians,” the statement declares. It goes on to mention “Israel’s violations of international law and UN resolutions; the documented impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian scholars and students; the extent to which Israeli institutions of higher education are a party to state policies that violate human rights,” among other points.

In April, the Association for Asian American Studies voted to enact a similar boycott, although the American Association of University Professors has voiced its opposition to such a measure.

The seeds for this month’s vote were laid last month at the ASA’s annual conference in Washington, where the 20-member national council unanimously agreed on a boycott.

“The National Council engaged and addressed questions and concerns of the membership throughout the process,” the statement explained.

“During the open discussion at the recent convention, members asked us to draft a resolution that was relevant to the ASAS in particular and so the Council final draft resolution acknowledged that the US plays a significant role in enabling the Israeli occupation of Palestine.”

guess what's hot in the streets :myman: