The continent is not and cannot be poor because it is resource heavy.
Do not mistake the ppl squandering and giving away resources with the country not having any resources.
Africans (the people, not the continent) are poor because they enter into terrible trade agreements with cacs.
Africa (the continent, not the people) is abundant and continues to be.
If they simply severed exploititive ties with western and european nations they would be an extrmely wealthy nation.
The european globes have you confused. They are not set to scale.
This is the actual size of the continents scaled acording to their size relative to one another.
Africa has as much land mass and more resources than the rest of the combined world.
They are only poor cause they let whites exploit them.
Notice the cacs in south africa aren't poor.
The residents should start there. Butcher them, close the borders, stop providing foreign cacs with diamonds and electronic components, and that shyt would sort itself out quick. There are no massive diamond mines in America.
Places like California and London don't have the natural resources to make a laptop or cellphone. All that shyt is imported from Africa and Venesuala and Thiland and places like that.
You can't crank out electronic tantalum capacators from Ohio. You gotta go to the Congo.
And without shyt like that made out of Coltan and other minerals you are unfamiliar with in the US (unless you work in enginering or a lab field) you aren't mass preoducing anything more technically advanced than an old school Ford you gotta push start.
The tribal conflict you are describing is set up by warlords trying to control mining areas to barter with cacs, and lack of strong leadership caise of US interference.
When African countries have strong leaders like Gadafi, the US murders them.
hats why really the africans should slaughter anything white-looking over there and then they can begin to regain their soveigrnty.