@Lewis Black.......here's an article on Floyd and J Prince sending them goons at him

Mayweather found himself in some trouble when he was in a fierce contractual battle with Prince. Top Rank stepped in and advanced him $610,000 to settle with Prince, and also cut Prince a check for 20 percent of Mayweather’s $3.05 million dollar purse for fighting Phillip Ndou.
The situation with Prince, a well known figure in the rap world, escalated to a dangerous level when several men showed up to the Top Rank Gym on September 11, 2003 and roughed up Leonard Ellerbe and former camp member Thomas Summers, sending both to the hospital.
Mayweather’s camp has never confirmed the story, but both DuBoef and Arum claimed to have saved a “shaken” Floyd Mayweather, Jr., who told DuBoef ‘These are bad guys, you have to help me save my family.’
“I said, ‘Let me give James a letter of credit,’ ” Arum said. “And Floyd said — I’ll never forget it — ‘James don’t take no letter of credit.’ “
Bernard Hopkins comments on the situation:
“Hey, listen, at the end of the day, when I look at guys, and some rappers that I ain’t going to mention, that talk about gangsta, talk about street, talk about going to jail, talk about being hard on the street, that remind of Floyd Mayweather. Floyd Mayweather is no tough guy. And Floyd Mayweather can tell you about, and Ellerbe can tell you about when a couple of guys came up in Top Rank’s gym and they was taking two to three weeks to scrub blood out of the stains of the carpet that was in there. Where was the gangsta then? See, they know I know.”
There’s a murky, violent history between Floyd Mayweather and his former manager, James Prince | pound 4 pound ireland