The story of the 1988 Carter High School state championship football team is getting the ESPN 30 for 30 treatment.
An ESPN Spokesperson said ESPN Films is in the "early stages of production" on a film about the team that will be part of its 30 for 30 documentary series.
"We are pretty far out from even thinking about an airdate," the spokesperson said.
Cedric Buckley, one of the players on that 1988 team, said ESPN has been interviewing and filming those involved over the past few months.
The 1988 Carter High team is well-known for beating the the Odessa Permian team immortalized in Friday Night Lights in the state semifinals en route to a state championship. After the state championship, six football players were later convicted of being some of the 15 Carter teenagers who participated in a string of 21 robberies. Some of the players were sent to prison. Their title was later stripped after a long legal battle eventually ended with a determination that one Carter's star players, Gary Edwards, had violated Texas' no-pass, no-play law.
A theatrical movie on the subject, Carter High, came out in 2015.
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