But that's what I'm saying, she fukked up the bag, he should've seen what was coming once she started getting in trouble. When she started getting suspended, he should've been fine with any co-host. Like you said with the grooming, he could've been the corny version of Stuart Scott. You can tell Smith is pissed as fukked right now, he isn't on ESPN at all, he ain't even posting on twitter as much if at all, while Jemelle all over ESPN as if she wasn't the cause of their being demoted.No he didn't she fukked his shyt up
Man got a wife and two boys he got a family
She don't
I'm sure his wife still wanna put hands on him
Here's the thing certain people ESPN is grooming for the future he was one of them
An example of this is Pablo & Bomani who will host PTI once we get older and Mike and that white guy die
Bedle got more money because she left to I think Fox if I remember then came back by then Cowherd got the deal of a lifetime to move to LA and only work six hours and have a desk eight feet above guests
So you hit every nail on the head and I completely agree with you.