out of all the factors you can blame for the plight of black america, the creation of the welfare state is one of the primary problems since that led to the disinegration of the black family.
To address all 3 post response to me I will just say.............in all seriousness, I can't blame you because you clearly haven't studied this. fyi i learned all this when i was like 22 or something so be ashamed.
I didn't mention subliminal problems or anything like that. There really were valid and clear issues with the black family before 1960.
It's embarrassing the you all struggle to make these points because your only backed by the black neocons who are the least knowledgeable on the surface and underlying issues..... Why would you ignore historians, sociologists, psychologist, economist, but then listen to proven idiots?
Do you not know what the black family was like post slavery- there was virtual oppression for the women and instability for the entire family. That's a fact, and the fact is that that's inevitable about slavery, oppression, and jim crow.
Sadly, out of ignorance you all ignore that pathology and social realities pre 1950 that lead to adults and children to intergenerational ignorance, depression, poverty, and violence. All that stuff was the black community post slavery. ntm, most black in 1930's were actually brainwashed into an inferiority complex.
To satisfy your support of ignorant black men and cac'idology -- you envision a black utopia void of a crumbled black family structure before 1960. You imagine that it was the evil liberal gov policies that caused the downgrading of men and the forced position of women in black communities.
You imagine a world were slavery had ZERO lasting affects or even immediate negative affects on black people. The tension and gutterness of the black community first off led to ruthless and Str8 up abusive childbearing practices by former slaves and their next 2 generations. So yea that wasn't white racism.. but most agree that oppression and constant torture lead to the psychology behind those practices. Children born poor and black pre 1940 were mentally fukked up for the most part with higher rates of abuse, higher rates of depression, and obvious high levels of ignorance. We hear about 2 people getting great educations and ignore the millions of kids who couldn’t even complete elementary school – WHICH LED to more issues as adults.
I could mention other shyt but really all your interested in is 1960's programs. Honestly, the logic is valid but the premises are false in your points. I used to think the same as you when I was 17 or 18 - because I too was once stuck in rudimentary thinking. These black men regularly are invited on Sean hannity and rush limbaughes shows For A Reason........it plays into a false narrative that racist cac love because a few ignorant black men can co-sign it.
The timing of your point is right on - But you should know that The social programs were a response to pre existing crumbling family structures and violence amongst poor people and - disproportionately black people. And you're timing really isn't right because welfare programs started in the 1930's not 1960's... smh. @
DEAD7 The 60s were chosen as an attack point because it's a way to falsely attack liberals and to also TIMEing serves as a way to meet the narrative, lol.. Medical Issues, poverty, homelessness, hunger, and mental stress was killing the poor 1920-1960 so welfare came before the 60's to help and the reforms came in the 60's because in the 40 50's families were depressed whether they were intact or NOT - it was fukked up so poor whites poor black poor anybody got reforms to address old and new issues. That didn't cause black women to say, "NAW we don't need these nikkas" - YOU IGNORANT fools!! The only thing that was added in the 60's was FOOD STAMPS and you only got that if you were poor with children --- HOW did that cause black men and women to say "fukk it we got that welfare, hayyyy!! we don't need fams"?????? IT didn't. Please follow the career and ideas of everyone who tries to make that point, please.
Actually with pre 60's reforms there was more encouragement to leave men out of the house because some states cut people off simply if a man lived in the house.... THE 60's!! ended that shyt... and added food stamps (there was a problem with kids starving n shyt!) and free job training and job corps!.
During the 70's blind people, old people, sick people got even more benefits -- unwed births and crime went up.. I guess that's is because blind people got more benefits...smh.
Pre 30's and 60's... the poor were already trapped, in large, to a cycle of poverty. when stamps came along they had food and healthcare - but they still were trapped into the SAME cycle ---------- However, because they also got supplemental food for their children ALL the BLAME fell on them for being trapped into a cycle of dependency.
There is a reason why google searches will back up the ideas you're pushing but rarely opposing views. the modern day 'civil right' people who lean right push the idea. It's the same people in the 60's who rejected the black radicals for fake ass civil rights movements that led us into horrible integration policies. However, no legitimate person who studies this can back the points,,,, just black talking heads who have always led us into BS.
you wrong and also disrespectful to women. So the point is basically that women didn't need man because welfare brainwashed them!?. You can quote unconnected stats, neo-c00ns or whoever you want - but essentially the point is that welfare provided an outlet for women to live without men.
HOW does that make any sense? If a man wants to be and has the resources to be a part of his family than he does regardless of social offerings. If a woman wants a man she stays with him. Teen preg didn't shoot up - just non - married births. These women had more choices. So I guess you're also saying a woman with choices is the issue -
but the fact that teen pregnancy was never addressed wasn't the issue. I guess you're saying the gov can pull a man away from his kids by having food stamps -
but no opportunity, mental trauma, derogation, crime, poverty, and ignorance wasn't the issue. Not only is that not true - it doesn't even make sense. In some black communities un married birth are up to 80%...... And you are actually choosing to believe that is because of welfare.
Most people can go way deeper than this but since your backing the most ignorant POV in history I'll just leave it at this: 1900-1950 broke teen mothers almost always came from the bottom of the social latter regardless of race. Poverty and government sanctioned racism like jim crow destroyed the black man way before 60's. When the 60's happened - regardless of race unwed teenmothers rarely had stable income or family stability - so they applied for help. If the men were there and the black family was intact pre-1960's then these black women wouldn't have all applied for social welfare within 1-6 years of giving birth. It's not like the Welfare state came and BAM black men said peace out and black women said we don't need you.
Looking forward:
Single parent homes tend to have lower income, more unstability that lead to children with these same issue which lead to more generations of children stuck in a similar situation with compounded ignorance on top of all that---- So much so, that they become so ignorant that people blame THEM and blame their music and pants. People blame the symptoms instead of the real issues because at this point black youth are an easy as fukk target - and because of that reason- most issues in the black community are an uphill battle. 70% of all children raised without fathers end up in some type of criminal situation. We believe it's rap music and welfare so of course we will just keep letting the situations get worse by blaming random teem moms and 13 year old boys for their mentality.