Alejandra Caraballo
The thing that the oligarchs fundamentally misunderstand is that civil society and social safety nets were the compromise of the social contract. Dismantling civil society, rolling back civil rights, looting public resources, and exacerbating unimaginable wealth inequality fundamentally breaks it.
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
Younger generations feeling fed up with the system will have no avenue or outlet for their desire for economic and social progress. You remove the avenues for change and young people will feel they are no longer beholden to the social contract and their capacity for violence will increase.
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
There's a reason civil conflict arises in societies with disaffected and alienated youth. Ultimately, what we will see is increasing political violence by younger generations who feel they have no other means to effectuate change. Luigi Mangione was not a one off and he will not be the last.
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
The oligarchs may believe they can control it but they cannot and I believe society in the US is reaching a fundamental breaking point where the social contract is being shredded in the name of endless wealth and power. Eventually, there will be a violent reaction and it's something no one wants.
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
The oligarchs thought they could ride this populist wave into greater societal control without check on their wealth and power but populism never ends well because it's subject to the madness of the mob. Ultimately, the mob always turns on those who think they can control it.
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
Anyways, the most succinct telling of this is JFK's quote, "those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable."
Secretary of Balloon Doggies @secballoondogs.bsky.social
tl;dr summary…
BeachsideWilly @beachsidewilly.bsky.social
They reap what they sow.
Steve Wisniewski @stevewiski.bsky.social
It all started with Reagan. Bush the dumber & DonOld stripped even more away. Now we’re truly screwed.


French Revolutionaries had the right idea.
NuclearVampire @nuclearvampire.bsky.social
I have been saying all of this for ages, I just didn't have some of the technical terms for it.
Just. At this point there is no way out without massive bloody conflict, and I grieve for all of us.
Revolution is bloody! No matter how it ends, it is fueled by the blood of the people. I grieve.
Liberal Donald J. Trump @notdontrmp.bsky.social
Exactly! The oligarchs are so out of touch, they don’t get that a thriving society depends on a social contract that includes fairness, rights, and dignity. When they loot, dismantle, and exploit—it’s not just wrong, it’s a direct assault on everything that makes America great. We MUST fight back!
WaluigiYaoi @waluigiyaoi.bsky.social
The social contract isn’t written like an American style one where one side can just change it whenever and face no legal issues
MR eLIAS @theeliasrework.bsky.social
They break that contract, and it brings anarchy. The thing they built collapses. History is littered with collapsed empires.
The Skald of PDX, He/Him @skaldpdx.bsky.social
And the social contract also reads, "If we make sure you're taken care of adequately, you'll leave the guillotines at home".
Alejandra Caraballo @esqueer.net
The New Deal was effectively the American oligarchy realizing that they needed to provide basic support or they would end up like the Romanovs. The Reagan revolution and the SV neuveau riche have seemingly forgotten those lessons.
The Skald of PDX, He/Him @skaldpdx.bsky.social
I think they're convinced they can turn the military on the US people.
Or at least the militarized police force.
I can't think of a time in history where police are so funded and equipped, and yet so incapable of doing basic things.
The Skald of PDX, He/Him @skaldpdx.bsky.social
Yet when the riots and mobs start up, the police are very ready.
The Skald of PDX, He/Him @skaldpdx.bsky.social
Meanwhile they peddle the Ayn Rand mindset that convinces people that any human is "self made" and that the only good taxes are the ones that go into creating a police state.
Spider-Bob ~ Catches geeks just like flies @spiderbob007.bsky.social
The day-one immigration policy is a pretext for a police state.
HuluAndEbay Man @huluandebayman.bsky.social
Basically the broligarchs are setting up a second french revolution (the people against the rich, not the tea n taxes)
Kern Daly @kerndaly.bsky.social
Robespierre started out as a reformer, arguing for more rights. Then got caught up in a killing spree until he was killed by guillotine himself
jackbeingbad.bsky.social @jackbeingbad.bsky.social
Never assume the wealthy aren't keeping track
There are over 1 million hyper aggressive police in the US. That's one cop per 300 people. The highest ratio in history
Most of them are magas. And most of them are 100% ok with killing their fellow Americans.
Unheavenly Creature @unheavenlycreature.bsky.social
Alright but it took them several days, a massive manhunt, and some pretty glaring mistakes on his part to catch Luigi. Imagine several of these happening at once. What would they even do
jackbeingbad.bsky.social @jackbeingbad.bsky.social
Look at luigi. Then They'd start tracking voices of dissent and charging them with terrorism.
And the great part is, the working class is paying for those cops and task forces
Unheavenly Creature @unheavenlycreature.bsky.social
How? There's already enough people saying these types of things they can't keep track/ uo with it.
Learned helplessness is no use to anyone
jackbeingbad.bsky.social @jackbeingbad.bsky.social
I'm not saying not to resist
I'm saying to not underestimate the powerful
If you think resisting will be some cartoon script where the bad guys see the Angry good guys and surrender you're fukking dreaming
It's going to take sacrifice a lot of sacrifice.
Unheavenly Creature @unheavenlycreature.bsky.social
no one said anything like that
Maryam M.-C. @maryneedsnohail.bsky.social
They do understand that. They just assume they have the power to get away with it.
firegravity @firegravity.bsky.social
Oh, it's not a misunderstanding. Feel free to look up "neoreactionary" which is SV's ideal - the same guys who own Vance and Trump.
They want to be feudal lords, it's really the only endpoint of libertarian tech bro ideas. They know exactly what they're doing.
TheLibertyEsq @thelibertyesq.bsky.social
Civil society exists so the wealthy can sleep at night and have faith their head of security won’t own the house over their dead bodies in the morning. It has never been for the masses.
billthinkstoomuch.bsky.social @billthinkstoomuch.bsky.social
… like once we kick out all the “illegals” and block gender care and we spend another decade concentrating wealth at the very top and the “forgotten man” is still forgotten, people might start to wake up, right?
Uncle Rico Dynamite @unclericodynamite.bsky.social
whitemagicalhat.bsky.social @whitemagicalhat.bsky.social
No more social contract in the most heavily armed nation on Earth? Oh boy...
Carol Roper @unrulywomenfiction.bsky.social
We will not go quietly.
Unheavenly Creature @unheavenlycreature.bsky.social
The thing is they think their money and bunkers will keep them safe. They fail to realize if society crumbles, so does the social contract that kept them safe
Chaotic DM @tcourtney812.bsky.social
And it's not going to break in a way that's good for anyone
California National Party @votecnp.bsky.social
I don't think they care.
They are going to try the boots on our throats approach.
4 more years? @truth-n-science.bsky.social
it kept the poor from eating the rich
Alice Campos @ok-sure.bsky.social
New social contract = the boot stomps on our face, forever
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