Elon about to lose all his advertisers after this tweet

Dec 13, 2019
I think we should be more upset that these so called advertisers felt it was ok to have twitter filled with Open anti-black racist accounts like "End Wokeness", spew anti Black tirades and "crime stats" day in, day out. That was fine with them and everyone else really.

How? And why?

Cut the bs...We should only get mad at black people(including some of us) who stay in environments like that. For being addicted to the idea of feeling included, even when disrespect is constant.

You trash Joosz, and they will move their financial and public support to other platforms.

You trash black people, and what happens from black people? What are the actions black people take? Because black presence on twitter is also a form of capital...So, what's stopping black people from abandoning these environments that promote anti-blackness?

The new world has like 70 million black people. Africa has like 1.1 billion black people...I mean, there are some excuses that simply don't work forever...Twitter has like 400 million active users worldwide. There are already black-owned platforms that are similar to Twitter. What's stopping us from simply concentrating there?

And I guarantee you, Joosz, being a minority worldwide, are way more likely to create a competitor to Twitter and use black faces in front, than black people are more likely to abandon Twitter and stay in a similar black-owned platform...And it is not just because Joosz have more money, sorry.


Mar 11, 2022
How? And why?

Cut the bs...We should only get mad at black people(including some of us) who stay in environments like that. For being addicted to the idea of feeling included, even when disrespect is constant.

You trash Joosz, and they will move their financial and public support to other platforms.

You trash black people, and what happens from black people? What are the actions black people take? Because black presence on twitter is also a form of capital...So, what's stopping black people from abandoning these environments that promote anti-blackness?

The new world has like 70 million black people. Africa has like 1.1 billion black people...I mean, there are some excuses that simply don't work forever...Twitter has like 400 million active users worldwide. There are already black-owned platforms that are similar to Twitter. What's stopping us from simply concentrating there?

And I guarantee you, Joosz, being a minority worldwide, are way more likely to create a competitor to Twitter and use black faces in front, than black people are more likely to abandon Twitter and stay in a similar black-owned platform...And it is not just because Joosz have more money, sorry.
Empty calorie babbling that does not take into account the current architecture of the World System. Your little tirade doesn't note that there have been attempts to do what you're suggesting--spoiler alert: TheColi is an example of that.

So what happens every time Black People want real independence and have their own shyt to themselves? Historically across Africa and diaspora--it has always been the same results.

Its badfaith argument to act like things exist&happen in a vacuum.


Mar 11, 2022
Black folks were not making a fuss about it.
We kinda did but Elon Musk doesn't care. Under Jack Dorsey, he tried to reign in a lot of the wildness. But these right-wingers moaned and whined each day about their "Free Speech" being suppressed on Twitter while using...Twitter Accounts. Go figure!

They created Truth Social as a counter. And I'll let you judge for yourself how successful that has been, esp if at the end they still decided to takeover twitter and allow open anti-black content. That's what they mean by free speech--being able to dehumanize Blacp people and put them in their place.


Gor bu dëgër
Jun 5, 2018
This tweet isn't problematic. the "other people were slaves too" argument is true enough for him to say it even though we know that his empire is built on stolen African wealth and the western power structure is nothing without slavery.

this just a typical white man perspective and there's no lie per say here. He has blatant anti black tweets though.
I see two major lies and many silly implications.

1) We don't all descend from slaves.

2) The vast majority of people were not slaves throughout history.

One of the silly implications that he wants to push is that America's own history with slavery is unimportant or irrelevant to its present day.

This pairs well with his other thinly veiled arguments about Black American crime & IQ.
Dec 13, 2019
Empty calorie babbling that does not take into account the current architecture of the World System. Your little tirade doesn't note that there have been attempts to do what you're suggesting--spoiler alert: TheColi is an example of that.

No, it is not. TheColi always centered itself mostly on sports and entertainment. These activities attract a lot of non-black people that are obsessed with black people. Plus, it never established a racial verification system. Reason why you still have some non-blacks who stay here for years, pretending to be racially black, until black people start discussing something their group did and the mask falls off completely, and they reveal themselves as anti-black as well. Not just that, people still argue here about the founders and owners, if they are really black or not...

So what happens every time Black People want real independence and have their own shyt to themselves? Historically across Africa and diaspora--it has always been the same results.

Its badfaith argument to act like things exist&happen in a vacuum.

In other words, your waffling is basically saying that black people are not allowed, in the digital era, to have their own platforms? Black people cannot set up a bunch of servers in many majority black cities or countries, and have their own digital spaces in the digital era? Black people have many black-owned websites and apps, but are not allowed to have their own social media platform? Who doesn't allow that? :why:

Sorry, but that's some huge BULLshyt. Truth is simply that many black people are comfortable in these disrespectful environments, mixed with the addiction for fast topics and news.

I am not even talking about something super complex, all I am talking about is black people having our own platforms, where we establish the rules and receive mostly positive propaganda about ourselves...

This fear some of you have...:mjlol:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
No, it is not. TheColi always centered itself mostly on sports and entertainment. These activities attract a lot of non-black people that are obsessed with black people. Plus, it never established a racial verification system. Reason why you still have some non-blacks who stay here for years, pretending to be racially black, until black people start discussing something their group did and the mask falls off completely, and they reveal themselves as anti-black as well. Not just that, people still argue here about the founders and owners, if they are really black or not...

In other words, your waffling is basically saying that black people are not allowed, in the digital era, to have their own platforms? Black people cannot set up a bunch of servers in many majority black cities or countries, and have their own digital spaces in the digital era? Black people have many black-owned websites and apps, but are not allowed to have their own social media platform? Who doesn't allow that? :why:

Sorry, but that's some huge BULLshyt. Truth is simply that many black people are comfortable in these disrespectful environments, mixed with the addiction for fast topics and news.

I am not even talking about something super complex, all I am talking about is black people having our own platforms, where we establish the rules and receive mostly positive propaganda about ourselves...

This fear some of you have...:mjlol:

I can't lie I'm addicted to sports news and discussion on twitter. Plus the reparations discussion is primarily center on Twitter.

It's hard to leave but I'm trying :sadcam:


Jun 12, 2014
Firstly, it's fukk Elon forever

Now doesn't this further prove that THEY have all the power and influence in the west

Elon has been overtly anti-black racist the entire time yet He didn't get cancelled till He went after THEM

There needs to be a case study on how THEY were able to amass (no pun intended) so much outsized power and influence for such a minority group

Other groups could learn from it, shyt is both impressive and disgusting at the same time


Aug 6, 2012
Firstly, fukk Elon forever

Now doesn't this further prove that jews have all the power and influence in the west

Elon has been overtly anti-black racist yet He didn't get cancelled till He went after the jews

There needs to be a case study on how THEY were able to ammas so much outsized power and influence for such a minority group

Other groups could learn from it
, shyt is both impressive and disgusting at the same time
There nothing to be learn from them they are a white ethnicity minority group that not consider to be a existential threats to white western hegemony :mjpls:


Mar 11, 2022
No, it is not. TheColi always centered itself mostly on sports and entertainment. These activities attract a lot of non-black people that are obsessed with black people. Plus, it never established a racial verification system. Reason why you still have some non-blacks who stay here for years, pretending to be racially black, until black people start discussing something their group did and the mask falls off completely, and they reveal themselves as anti-black as well. Not just that, people still argue here about the founders and owners, if they are really black or not...

-I agree with this. We're kinda saying the same thing. Black People in the US still have alot of Cultural Capital that drives trends and things like that. But subsequently makes it almost impossible to have a an ecosystem where Black thoughts, ideologies etc can accumulate and thrive without external influence. Black planet, thecoli, Blacktwitter subreddit are examples of what would happen even if you create one such.

In other words, your waffling is basically saying that black people are not allowed, in the digital era, to have their own platforms? Black people cannot set up a bunch of servers in many majority black cities or countries, and have their own digital spaces in the digital era? Black people have many black-owned websites and apps, but are not allowed to have their own social media platform? Who doesn't allow that? :why:

Sorry, but that's some huge BULLshyt. Truth is simply that many black people are comfortable in these disrespectful environments, mixed with the addiction for fast topics and news.

I am not even talking about something super complex, all I am talking about is black people having our own platforms, where we establish the rules and receive mostly positive propaganda about ourselves...

This fear some of you have...:mjlol:

-Black Capital cannot be harnessed in that direction due to historic social and economic inequities that have plagued such moves. With equal access to capital, equal leverage, and equal level of consideration, black people can definitely create and sustain black silicon valleys--but remember I mentioned equal access to capital and opportunities?? Those are the types of structural changes that need to happen; otherwise, any initiative will always feel like running in mud.

Just look at the fit and efforts that have been done to destroy any "DEI" effort in Silicon Valley, look at the fit and efforts used to prevent black farmers from being rightfully compensated; look at what happened when the governments of some states tried to be equitable by providing Covid-19 relief for the hardest hit in such a way that the efforts were equitable--because the beneficiaries also happened to be majority Black the efforts were attacked and destroyed—there are countless examples of such.

As it stands currently the game is rigged, as Black people can never be allowed to compete on equal footing in these spheres. The obstacles are huge in comparison. Sports is probably one of the rare areas where we can see those potentials explored to its fullest.


Jun 12, 2014
There nothing to be learn from them they are a white ethnicity minority group that not consider to be a existential threats to white western hegemony :mjpls:

makes sense considering no none white minority group has been able to come even close to replicating their dominance in the West


Aug 6, 2012
makes sense considering no none white minority group has been able to come even close to replicating their dominance in the West
That tie into the support of Israel has of the Western nations to act has their attack /guard dog in the Middle East that the white jews have been making sure to take full advantage of. also you should check the works of John Mearsheimer he talk alot about Israel Lobby and the work they beening to get westerns country more invest in Israel.

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt discuss their book "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," at Cambridge Forum. They argue that a group of pro-Israel activists are manipulating U.S. foreign policy.


Jun 12, 2014
That tie into the support of Israel has of the Western nations to act has their attack /guard dog in the Middle East that the white jews have been making sure to take full advantage of. also you should check the works of John Mearsheimer he talk alot about Israel Lobby and the work they beening to get westerns country more invest in Israel.

I know how effective and powerful Israel's lobby is from observing AIPAC. They have the entire congress in a chokehold:wow:

Armchair Militant

Stay woke
Nov 18, 2016
Nah I’m just not a castratated colonial minded p*ssy like most of you

Maybe my take won’t seem so crazy now that your overlords took it and ran with it last night while I was fighting my own people


Your daddy bent the knee.