Yeah I disagree with the bolded, I don't think or hope candidates are drilling down on who is mouthy, a shyt talker, vindictive etc. working for them. I think stuff like that is out of their control.I personally don't care that much, but obviously a ton of people do. It's what fuels the take machine, and it's the reason why we're still seeing the 2016 Democratic Primary being litigated 3 years on. I have my criticisms of Bernie, but I really like him and would gladly support him as he would be the most transformative Democratic general election candidate in modern history. That being said, we can't pretend as if politics is simply the dictates of the single candidate; the words and actions of a candidate's official and unofficial supporters speaks to the type of political coalition they're building. It's why hiring people like David Sirota or Briahna Joy Gray is a legitimate issue. Bernie campaigned hard for Hillary, but many of his surrogates/supporters didn't really follow his lead, because he captured revolutionary energy. There is a fight for the soul of the Democratic Party right now, and different interests are battling it out. It's a good thing. My point was simply to clarify what I saw as an inaccuracy. Claiming that Bernie's crowd hasn't been ramping up their anti-Warren rhetoric, or that Warren('s camp) is indistinguishable from Hillary('s camp) seems like a smear to me.